Saturday, August 10, 2013

Superfoods helps in Self-production of Glucosamine

1.  Brown Algae

  • Rich in Glutamine - which combines with glucose to form glucosamine
  • Rich in chlorophyll - reduce pain of inflammatory arthritis, retain calcium and other minerals 
  • Contains magnesium - to stronger bones
  • Contains phytoestrogen to increase bone density and collagen
  • Contains Vitamin K to speed up healing of fractures
  • Contains Fucoidan (a polysaccharide) to improve bone marrow cell survival, increase white blood cell production
  • Contains Fucoxanthin (a phytochemical) to helo support bone health, induces death of osteoclasts (bone cells that break down bones)

2.  Ginger

  • Highly effective for rheumatism, according to reports in China
  • Experienced greater reduction of knee pain, according to a study in the US on 247 osteoarthritis patients who took a standardised and highly concentrated ginger extract twice daily
  • Reduces inflammation in joints
  • Rich in minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium
  • Rich in Manganese - help produce new blood cells in bone marrow, vital for correct structure of cartilage, tendons, teeth and bones. 

3. Alfafa

  • Rich in Chlorophyll, protein, beta-carotene, vitamin K
  • Vitamin K needed for bone formation
  • Help suppress the production of pro-inflammation cytokines and relieve inflammation

4. Parsley

  • Rich in Glutamine, Chlorophyll, iron, potassium, zinc, folate, vitamins A, B, C and K. 
  • A 100g servings of parsley provides 2050% of the vitamin K and 222% of the vitamin C an adult needs daily - more than twice the vitamin C in orange juice
  • Rich in bioavailable calcium and boron
  • Boron aids metabolism of calcium and promote bone strength
  • Rich in antioxidants - boost immune function and maintain normal bone density.
  • Helps lower the uric acid levels 
5. Acelora Cherry

  • Rich in vitamin C - concentrated sources of natural vitamin C with 1677mg of Vitamin C in every 100g -> providing a whopping 2796% of the body's daily vitamin C requirement. 
  • Vitamin C in Acelora Cherry is 1.63 times more bioavailable than synthetically produced vitamin C. 
  • Prevent inflammatory polyarthritis (affecting 5 or more joints at once) - people with the lowest intake of dietary vitamin C found in fruits and vegetables had more than 3 times the risk of getting this disease 

6. Spinach

  • Rich in Glutamine and Vitamin K
  • Supports bone health with chlorophyll, magnesium, manganese, calcium and Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin K is important for bone health as low Vitamin K intake was related to low bone mineral density in women, according to a study on 1112 men and 1479 women aged 50-68. 
  • 100 g of spinach provides 604% of an adult's daily vitamin K requirement. 

7. Cactus 

  • Rich in antioxidants that can help prevent cartilage loss. 
  • Enhance body's production of collage and glycosaminoglycans.
  • Phytochemicals in cactus - aid wound healing, accelerate tissue regeneration, speed up collagen formation and new blood vessels' growth. 

Hope the above helps all to select super foods on your daily diet to protect your joint health! 

As a convenience, 

Wholesome Food G-ART gives the above joint and bone-beneficial nutrients made of the above super foods! 

Effectiveness of G-ART

Together, we live a healthier lifestyle! 

Warmest Regards, 
Nutritional Immunology Consultant 

How to Choose Glucosamine supplements?

Why NOT I get Glucosamine pills for my parents?

1. There is also an article about glucosamine and chondroitin from The Straits Times dated 18-Sep-2010. 

Please see below:

  • "Glucosamine and chondroitin, two supplements taken by millions of people around the world for joint pain, DO NOT work, says a study of Swiss scientists."

  • "Compared with placebo, glucosamine, chondroitin and their combination DO NOT reduce joint pain or have an impact on narrowing of joint space."

2. Also, click the below link which tells new research has revealed that high doses and extended use of the popular dietary supplement glucosamine can kill off pancreatic cells .
3. The below table explains clearly on the SOURCES of most of the glucosamine supplements in the market:

  • Animal -> Shells of crabs, lobsters, shrimps
  • Man-Made -> chemicals

4. What are the dangers of these glucosamine tablets?

Be A Wise Consumer

Are your parents taking such glucosamine pills? 

Please help them check the ingredient label. 

Some products may be marketed as plant glucosamine product, do note that it may only mean it's shellfish-free glucosamine products, the main ingredient of non-animal glucosamine is the lab-made glucosamine: Glucosamine Hydrochloride/ Glucosamine Sulfate/ Condroitin Sulfate.

Don't risk our parents' health especially after we learn about the possible side effects from these chemically synthesized glucosamine pills.

How to have a better and safer solution to joint health? 

It's always wiser to get the nutrients required for joint health through wholesome plant foods as they are natural and wouldn't give us any side effects.

  • Do you know that our human body can self-make glucosamine from glucose and glutamine? We don't have to rely on replacement glucosamine pills.

See the below chart:

  •  By consuming plant food rich in glutamine and antioxidants, this will provide the body with material to self-produce glucosamine, hence prevent or delay the effects of arthritis!! 
  • Check out what plants rich in glutamine and antioxidants!
    • Plant sources rich in glutamine: Brown algae, Parsley and Spinach
    • Plant sources rich in antioxidants: Acerola cherry, Parsley, Spinach and Cactus
    • More info of these super foods:

Safety concerns on Synthetic Vitamin Supplements (vs. Wholesome Plant Food Products)

Attended a baby seminar few weeks ago at KKH and I was given many goodie bags.
What are inside the goodie bags? A lot of baby stuffs for eg. baby magazines, baby lotions, flash cards for baby, baby shampoo and also vitamin supplements sample for mommy-to-be also.

After looking at the ingredients of the supplements, I know that they are made synthetically. I threw all of them as I know I'm not going to consume them although it seems a bit wasted.

It's always wise to first look at the ingredients of the health products before we consume it.
For example, the below product which I got from the seminar:

Very obvious, you can see it's made of calcium carbonate and vitamin D3 - synthetic. There are side effects by taking calcium pills.

See the below links and attached to find out the side effects:

According to the study published in the Journal of American Medical Association, 3 types of supplements, Vitamin A, E and Beta Carotene could increase the risk of early death. See below for more details.

The American Dietetic Association, US National Academy of Sciences and the British Heart Foundation maintain that the best way to obtain vitamins is through wholesome foods, and that vitamins in pill form should not be used to substitute a balanced diet.

This is another example of chemical supplement - glucosamine sulphate which I got from the goodie bag also.

You can find out more info about glucosamine supplement from the below link:

People that use vitamin supplements likely start with good intentions. But where do these products actually come from? Are vitamin supplements any more natural than white flour or pharmaceuticals?
The below link tells you the details:

Hope thru the above information, we and our friends/ family can become a more well-informed consumers when we are choosing a supplement in the market.

We have to be aware and alert of the ingredients of the product we are getting as some ingredients may be a silent killer and harm our health unknowingly and bring side effects when we consume in the long term.

Choosing a right health food is also important. Wholesome plant food WITHOUT being fortified with any vitamin/ mineral supplements is of the most ideal choice to nourish our immune system. Don't load Our immune system with unwanted 'nutrition'.
We are what we eat. All of us taking health food in hope to get a better health thru convenience. So let's be wiser consumer together!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Health maintenance after a sumptuous steamboat

Had a great steamboat gathering with ex-housemates today! A sumptuous meal with a great spread prepared by them - ranging from meatballs, fishballs, vegetables, mushrooms, fried Old Chang Kee's food, fish meat, scallop, prawns etc!! A very filling and satisfying dinner!

After reaching home, I had a bottle of Millennium sparkling drink to aid my digestion after eating too many delicious meals especially meat. Cactus ingredient in Millennium Sparkling drink is very good at neutralizing animal hormones from meat to prevent harming our health. Felt very refreshing also after taking this healthy soft drink! ;)

Millennium Sparkling drink is definitely the best replacement of sweet and unhealthy soft drinks as it is:
  • Natural botanical ingredients: Cactus, Lime, Stevia
  • No added preservatives
  • Low in calorie (only 50 calorie per can)

Nourishment during my Pregnancy Journey - I am going to be a mom!!

What should be the best nutrition for a mommy to be?

I have been doing some research also because I'm pregnant now. :)

The below are the list of basic nutrition required by a pregnant lady:
1. Folic Acid
2. Protein
3. Calcium
4. Iron
5. DHA Omega 3
6. Collagen

Instead of taking the nutrients from the vitamin pills which are mainly synthetic and animal-based, I choose to get the ALL the above nutrients from E.Excel wholesome plant food.

If you wish to learn more about which product to consume to get the above nutrition, feel free to whatsapp me at +65-9090 9942 

Learn more about difference between synthetic vitamin supplements vs wholesome plant foods:

e excel pregnancy, e excel suitable for pregnant ladies, oxyginberry, e excel, dr chen jau fei, nutritional Immunology

(Added the photo in later - taken in dec-13, my EDD month) :) tummy is super big ya!!😊 

I feel blessed to have found E.Excel wholesome plant food as my best companion to walk me through my pregnancy journey!!

Felt my every effort in giving proper nutrients from right source paid off when seeing my baby girl was born healthily. 

Photo of my 24 day old baby 

I urge all mummies must also start nourishing our baby right from the womb through right nutrition from wholesome plant foods. 

This is something which I think I can do for my baby - lay a strong health foundation for her. 

E.excel wholesome plant food are a great convenience for me. 

The below are E.Excel babies when my preggy friends were nourishing using E.Excel food products during their pregnancies!

Testimonials received from the preggy mummies who benefited from using the E.Excel wholesome food

Wishing all mummies-to-be having a smooth and enjoyable process of pregnancy! 

Whatsapp me at +65-9090 9942 to learn more about how to get the BEST combination of E.Excel foods for your pregnancy.

Best Regards, 
Nutritional Immunology Consultant
+65-9090 9942

Why OXYGINBERRY for Young to Old, Men to Women?

WHY Oxyignberry Beverage?

First, Oxyginberry Beverage consist of 6 Superfoods (Ginseng berry, cactus fruit, cactus, grape seed, rose and seaweed) rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals.

1. Ginseng Berry 
  • Super-Antioxidant - prevent free-radical damage 
  • Increase skin hydration, prevent fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin softness and fineness
  • Improve blood circulation for better concentration and memory 
  • Helps body utilise oxygen more effectively
  • Improve quality of sleep 
  • Sooth emotion
  • Aid slimming process - increase metabolism 
  • Regulate glucose level - prevent diabetes

2. Cactus 

  • Rich in phytochemicals - more than 10,000 different types of phytochemicals 
  • Nourish immune system to prevent diseases 
  • Anti-infllammatory - Speed up wound healing, inhabit arthritic inflammation 
  • Anti-viral
  • Anti-cancer - prevent cancer-causing hormones from attaching to normal cells
  • Contain flavonoids - protect neurons against oxidative injury
  • Reduce oxidative damage and liver and kidney toxicity as a result of a toxin from foodstuffs
  • Enhance phagocytic activity - better cleansing in the body 
  • Rich in nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. 
  • Decrease cholesterol and triglycerides levels - prevent hardening of blood vessel and therefore prevent stroke
  • Regulate blood sugar level, stabilise diabetics' glucose level
  • Cell repair and cell renewal
  • Improve skin condition - speed up collagen formation 

3. Cactus Fruits

  • antioxidant – promoting cell repair and renewal

  • High in Vitamin A, B1, B12, D3 and riboflavin - promote skin repair and regeneration, soften the skin

  • 4. Grape Seeds

  • Super antioxidant (OPC) – 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C, 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E

  • A significant 62% reduction in oxidative damage, according to a study compared grape seed and vitamin C by having cell incubated in both medium. Vitamin C did not show any significant reduction. 

  • protect cells against oxidative damage by the free radicals, therefore improve inner health and slow down ageing 

  • Protect vision - slow down diabetic retinopathy by strengthening blood vessels and improving blood circulation in the eyes.

  • Protect against cataract formation

  • Helps speeding up wound healing with less scarring

  • Support collagen structure, decrease UV damage to skin, promote youthful and radiant skin

  • 5. Rose 

    • antioxidant – help prevent oxidative damage, promote wound healing, encourage phagocytic activity, boost immune system
    • Anti-bacterial, anti-microbial properties
    • Lighten skin pigmentation, gives a fairer and smoother skin
    • Relieve feminine health problems 
    6. Seaweed

    • Rich source of minerals, trace elements, amino acids, antioxidants, phytoestrogen, polysaccharides, and enzymes
    • Contains fucoidans, meroterpenoids - antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory 
    • eliminates toxin from our system, prevent blood clotting in the uterus
    • Anti-aging skin care
    • Anti-cancer
    • Help chronic joint-diseases 
    • Promote wound healing
    • Stimulate collagen formation and cellular turnoever 
    • Help skin repair, improve skin elasticity and firmness 

    Second, Oxyginberry is formulated based on the Science of Nutritional Immunology research. 

    Science of Nutritional Immunology studies the link between foods and immune system, and it's pioneered by Dr Jau-Fei Chen, who is the world-renowned Nutritional Immunologist from US. 

    When we select the superfoods in the Oxyginberry, a few criteria are being taken care of. 

    1. Species
    Ginseng berry we used are harvested from american ginseng and Ji Lin ginseng, and not korean ginseng.   

    Korean ginseng is not suitable for daily consumption due to its heaty nature.
    However American ginseng and Ji Lin ginseng are food grade which can be taken by all.  

    2. Part

    We use the grape seeds from the grapes as the seeds have the highest antioxidant level compared to the meat and the skin. 

    3. Harvesting time 

    Cactus and Cactus Fruits need to be harvested after 10 years growth to ensure high nutrition values. 

    4, Food Synergy

    Together these 6 super foods in Oxyginberry are combined to create a SYNERGISED food, which can be consumed daily by all, for a great health benefit. 

    Third, Food Safety of Oxyginberry Beverage

    • Organic (free of pesticides) and non-genetically modified plant ingredients.
    • Free of preservatives, synthetic minerals.
    • Tested and free of heavy metals such as mercury, copper, lead, arsenic, and cadmium.
    • Tested and free of at least 1822 toxins including narcotics, steroid drugs, banned drugs like Fenfluramine and human growth hormones.
    • Received "Food Safety Excellence Award" from Singapore AVA for consecutive 12 years since 2004.
    • The E.Excel food manufacturing plants are GMP-regulated. 
    The below are the certificates received from AVA:

    I was priviledged to take a photo with Ms Khoo, who is the GM of E.Excel Manufacturing Plant Singapore. 

    Forth, Oxyginberry Beverage is perfect for:

    1. Men - hero of the family to stay healthier, stronger and more energetic and alert to handle work and making quick decision during critical hour, prevent chronic diseases such as high cholesterol and diabetes

    2. Women - slimmer, prettier, and healthier, fair complexion, muscle more toned up, prevent internal organs from sagging especially womb

    3. Children - healthier immune system, better concentration,  better eye sight, grow up stronger, healthy and intelligent

    4. Elderly - more active and quality lifestyle, prevent degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, macular degeneration, stroke 

    5. Pregnant ladies/ mother-to-be - look radiant, keep mummy energy up throughout the day, ensure enough nutrients to the baby, strengthen womb and support the uterus, regaining pre-pregnancy figure easily

    Grab these 6 precious SUPERFOODS for your daily diet through Oxyginberry Beverage/ Capsules as they work in SYNERGY to rejuvenate your body!!

    Check out how Our Clients say about OXYGINBERRY as below: 

    1. knee pain:

    2. Immunity enhancement - free from seizures in small child

    3 Best gift for mother

    4. Bone Fracture Recovery

    5. Less frequency of falling sick
    Testimonial on OXYGINBERRY and ORCHESTRA 

    6. Nourishing during pregnancy
    Testimonial from a Pregnant Lady who benefitted from Oxyginberry and Millennium

    7. Their babies are E.Excel babies!
    E.Excel Babies!!

    Feedback from my friends after using the E.Excel products

    Let's start Oxgyinberry today! 
    Wealth without health is meaningless. 

    Best Regards, 

    Nutritional Immunology Consultant 
    +65-9090 9942


    E.Excel Testimonial from a senior citizen (86 years old)

    Do you think E.Excel Wholesome Food can help senior citizen? 

    Definitely will. 

    Let's see below testimonial from a senior citizen aged 86 years old.

    I am 86 years old this year. Since young, I have been selling Yong Tao Fu in Kuala Lumpur. 

    Due to long hours of work, I developed many illnesses: High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, and Diabetes, relying on medicine everyday of my life! 

    I have undergone 3 surgeries before - removed ovary, thyroid gland, and cataract.

    At the age of 74, due to high blood pressure and admitted to hospital, I was forced to retire. 

    3 years later after my retirement, one day, when traveling with my son, I suddenly felt excruciating pain till I had to lie on the floor. 

    I was brought to seek medical help immediately by my son on wheel chair. Doctor diagnosed that my cartilage in my knee was gone, my knee was inflamed badly, and swollen. 

    I was on medication to reduce the swelling. I was helpless as no medication can help to cure although I have been doctors including specialist.

    Fortunately, after my daughter's friend knew about my condition, she shared with me E.Excel food ART. I have been taking it for 3 years, and added other E.Excel foods for eg. Celebration, Millennium, Encore, Refresh, Nutrifresh and Noco

    Now I have even added G-ART, Oxyginberry Beverage, Orchestra after it was launched!

    I am very confident on the products.

    Today, I do not have to walk with stick, I can even walk staircases till 4th floor without panting. my body bone has become stronger also. I can even do housework and cooking, travelling everywhere I like, my life is very wonderful!

    I am very thankful of knowing E.Excel, allow me to still be able to go everywhere, unlike other elderly who need other people's care. 

    Although having tough life for the first half of my life, I feel I am getting happier and happier, social circle is also getting bigger and bigger due to E.Excel. 

    I also expanded my horizon, and my life has become more meaningful too. 

    I feel that we must be positive as human being, it's very important. 

    Bringing health and joy to people around us - why not?? 

    I always share with people, we elderly has not much request, we just hope to be able to "eat well, sleep well, walk well, release well", we feel very blessed already.

    Warmest Regards, 