Omega-3 has been well-known for brain development.
Instead of giving fish oil, i used Kiwi Seed and Chia Seed form E.Excel wholesome food product O-SEED for the below reasons:
- Very rich in Plant-based Omega 3, ALA
- No fishy taste
- No contamination
- No added preservatives or additives
So, I have been giving my girl porridge with added O-SEED inside.
How a simple porridge with carrot turned out to be a nutritious one after adding O-SEED! =)
She finished the serving happily! =)
- How to mix OSeed into the porridge?
I made a video on YouTube:
I don't use fish oil omega 3 because:
- fish oil may cause side effects such as indigestion, heartburn, abdominal bloating and unsafe due to ocean contamination.
More info:
I don't use flaxseed also as flaxseed has some safety concern:
- mainly to the presence of toxic cyanogenic compounds that yield a weak, highly poisonous acid.
- flax seed contains trypsin inhibitors and a vitamin B6 antagonist.
- The U.S. National Library of Medicine recommends avoiding flax seed during pregnancy and breast-feeding as flax seed can act like the hormone estrogen
- The effect of flax seed on breast-fed infants is unknown at this time.
- Animal studies have shown the negative effects eating flax has on pregnancy and reproductive development. Flax seed might slow clotting. This raises the concern that it could increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.
More info: