Showing posts with label prevention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prevention. Show all posts

Friday, July 7, 2023

Why and How to nourish kids' immune system?

When a child is sick, it is the parents who suffer the most because of the need to watch day and night and take care of them carefully, including not getting enough sleep, taking time off from work, bring children to see a doctor and take medicine. It's very stressful for parents.
Nutritional Immunology has taught us:
✅The best doctor in the world is the immune system
✅Nourish and boost children's immune system with the right nutrition
✅Let the immune system defend against bacteria and viruses by itself

With a healthy immune system, we can keep children free from disease and medicine. 💪💪💪

That's why I persist in giving my children nutritional immunology foods, nourishing them since from my pregnancy until now.

Prevention is indeed better than cure.

I am very thankful that all of my kids are free from the medicine since young. Whenever they are sick eg fever, flu, I immediately pump them with NI Foods, eg Rhapsody, Millennium, Rosytime , Emunity, Nutriact etc...Their recovery I would say have been pretty fast (without any medicines). 

On the usual days, they are taking NI foods for nourishment for healthy growth too, Eg Soygreen, Soypro , Phytofit, Nutrifresh, Millennium , Rhapsody, Oseed, e-memories, Orchestra , many more etc... 

Why I choose NI Foods?

✨Free of Preservatives
✨ More than 2000 safety testings 
✨ GMP-certified
✨ Wholesome Plant Foods 
✨ Rich in Phytochemicals, Antioxidants, Polysaccharides that nourish immune system 

If you want to find out how to nourish your kids , feel free to WhatsApp me +65-9090 9942 to find out more. 

Wishing all children are growing healthily and happily . Healthy Children, Happy Parents ☺️

Best regards ,
Excellence Lifestyle Coach
+65-9090 9942

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What are the differences between bacteria and virus?

Do you know how to differentiate bacteria from virus?

Bacteria - are much bigger than viruses. Most bacteria measure from 0.1 microns to 10 microns (a micron is one millionth of a meter).

Viruses - usually range from 0.02 microns to 0.2 microns. If you take average virus to assume the size of a human being, the average bacteria would be as large as ten-story building! Viruses are so tiny that they can only be seen through an electron microscope.

Bacteria - are more complex organisms. They are living entities and have all the necessary genetic machinery to reproduce by themselves. They do this by splitting into 2 cells once every 20-30mins.

Viruses - are often classified as non-living and cannot reproduce by themselves. A virus only has a protein coat and a limited amount of genetic material, which is either DNA or RNA.

The virus reproduces by invading a host cell and hijacking the host's machinery. The host then becomes a virus-making machine, churning out new viruses that infect other host cells. Some viruses can stay dormant inside host cells for long periods of time, causing no visible changes until they are stimulated.

How do Bacteria and Viruses spread?

The main routes for bacterial infections are usually through food sources or fecal-oral contact (such as Salmonella poisoning), water (cholera), sexual (gonorrhea) and respiratory transmission.

As for viral infections, respiratory transmissions are a very common route for viruses. Most often, viruses that cause upper respiratory distress, such as influenza, travel via
tiny respiratory droplets - the minute amounts of fluid that exit your nose and mouth while you cough or sneeze. 

Some viruses, such as Ebola virus, may move widely through the air. In any circumstances, viral infections such as HIV, which causes AIDS, may be transmitted through the blood or through sexual intercourse. 

Many bacterial and viral infections are transmitted through close and direct contact, such as through contaminated hands, which pass the virus and bacteria to the nose, mouth and eyes. In fact, everyday actions like touching door handles and tabletops can cause our hands to become contaminated with these germs.

Some examples of Bacterial and Viral infections:

Bacteria cause:
Food Poisoning
Peptic ulcers
Most ear infections
Strep throat
Gum diseases
Urinary Tract infections...

Skin boils and abscesses

Viruses cause:

Most coughs
Most sore throats
Hong Kong Bird Flu
Taiwan Intestinal Flu
Dengue fever
Chicken Pox
Small pox
A link to certain cancers

Do Antibiotics Kill Viruses?

Antibiotics CANNOT kill viruses! Therefore they do not work against the flu, SARS, and other viral infections.
Antibiotics are drugs that kill bacteria and so can be used to treat pneumonia and other bacterial infections. Most antibiotics work by destroying a bacterium's cell wall. This stops the bacterium's ability to reproduce. However, viruses don't even have a cell wall.

Most people tend to take antibiotics for viral infections, not realizing that antibiotics can actually make infection WORSE. By killing the beneficial bacteria, antibiotics create a more conducive environment for viruses. In this case, taking antibiotics is not only INEFFECTIVE but also produces NEGATIVE side effects, some mild, some deadly including bone marrow toxicitym siezures, anaphylactic shock and even death.

The US FDA has warned against misuse of antibiotics, stating that "bacteria and other microorganisms that cause infections are remarkably resilient and can develop ways to survive the drugs meant to kill or weaken them. This antibiotic resistance is due largely to the increasing use of antibiotics."

The super-strains of infectious microorganisms will no longer be killed by antibiotics alone, we may require more toxic experimental drugs to overcome them. So when we really need it, the once powerful antibiotics may be useless.

What Treatments are Available for Viral Infections? 

Only a small amount of antiviral medications exist and their effectiveness is limited. Of bigger concern is the adverse side effects of some antiviral drugs. Delirium, agitation, elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, bronchitis and seizures are some of the reported side effects.

Scientists from University of Leicester caution against the use of antiviral drugs as they may cause severe toxicity, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women as these drugs may produce birth defects.

There is nothing like IMMUNE SYSTEM to fight viruses. A properly NOURISHED IMMUNE SYSTEM has all the ammunition necessary to defend the body against infections!

Read more: 

Why IMMUNE SYSTEM is the best doctor in the world?

Best Regards, 
Nutritional Immunology Consultant & Ultimate Freedom Coach
+65-9090 9942

Saturday, August 10, 2013

How to Choose Glucosamine supplements?

Why NOT I get Glucosamine pills for my parents?

1. There is also an article about glucosamine and chondroitin from The Straits Times dated 18-Sep-2010. 

Please see below:

  • "Glucosamine and chondroitin, two supplements taken by millions of people around the world for joint pain, DO NOT work, says a study of Swiss scientists."

  • "Compared with placebo, glucosamine, chondroitin and their combination DO NOT reduce joint pain or have an impact on narrowing of joint space."

2. Also, click the below link which tells new research has revealed that high doses and extended use of the popular dietary supplement glucosamine can kill off pancreatic cells .
3. The below table explains clearly on the SOURCES of most of the glucosamine supplements in the market:

  • Animal -> Shells of crabs, lobsters, shrimps
  • Man-Made -> chemicals

4. What are the dangers of these glucosamine tablets?

Be A Wise Consumer

Are your parents taking such glucosamine pills? 

Please help them check the ingredient label. 

Some products may be marketed as plant glucosamine product, do note that it may only mean it's shellfish-free glucosamine products, the main ingredient of non-animal glucosamine is the lab-made glucosamine: Glucosamine Hydrochloride/ Glucosamine Sulfate/ Condroitin Sulfate.

Don't risk our parents' health especially after we learn about the possible side effects from these chemically synthesized glucosamine pills.

How to have a better and safer solution to joint health? 

It's always wiser to get the nutrients required for joint health through wholesome plant foods as they are natural and wouldn't give us any side effects.

  • Do you know that our human body can self-make glucosamine from glucose and glutamine? We don't have to rely on replacement glucosamine pills.

See the below chart:

  •  By consuming plant food rich in glutamine and antioxidants, this will provide the body with material to self-produce glucosamine, hence prevent or delay the effects of arthritis!! 
  • Check out what plants rich in glutamine and antioxidants!
    • Plant sources rich in glutamine: Brown algae, Parsley and Spinach
    • Plant sources rich in antioxidants: Acerola cherry, Parsley, Spinach and Cactus
    • More info of these super foods: