Monday, May 15, 2017

How to make Vegecolor Quinoa Salad?

Thanks to my team mate who shared with me on how to make Quinoa Salad using Vegecolor!

Here's my version of Quinoa Salad! 

I took it as my lunch!


Green Spring Onion
Cherry tomatoes 
Japanese Cucumber
E.Excel Blended Cooking Oil 
E.Excel VegeColor 

At the same time, made a Simple Quinoa meal with VegeColor for my kids too. 

It attracts their liking to Quinoa after adding VegeColor =) 

Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant
+65-9090 9942

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Wishing you Happy Mother's Day!!!

Dear all mummies, 

除了为家人着想, 妈妈们要照顾好自己,爱自己。

女性步入婚姻与家庭, 必须同时肩负女儿,妻子和母亲的责任,往往将家庭摆在第一位,容易忽略自身的需求。



Warmest Regards, 
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant
+65-9090 9942

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Vegecolor Speghetti & Red Bean Soup

A Simple lunch for my kids and dessert for my family!  =)
After adding Vegecolor, it makes the simple Speghetti and Red Bean Soup become more nutritious!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

What are the Pitfalls of Vegetarian Food?

Recently, I'm more prone into taking "Vegetarian" Diet such as:
  • Salads
  • Yong Tao Fu with all vegetables (no fish balls and meats)
  • Vegetable U-Mian
  • Mixed rice from vegetarian stalls
  • Normal Mixed rice (with vegetables and no animal meats)

Having a few weeks adopting this 'vegetarian' food diet, i realised that it indeed takes a commitment for a person to stop taking animal meats.

It's known that vegetarian diet have many of the benefits to health!

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 
appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. 

According to a large-scale study conducted over a 6 year period and published in JAMA Internal Medicine, a journal of American Medical Association, 

the study shows that Vegetarians lives longer than meat eaters.
vegetarians had a 12% lower death rate than their meat-eating counterparts. 
Vegetarians also had a 19% lower chance of dying from heart disease than meat eater, and lower risk of dying from diabetes and kidney failure. 

Nevertheless, I realised that vegetarian diets sometimes may NOT be as healthy as we think if the below are our frequent selections:

1. Vegetarian diet comes with processed foods, example mocked meats, which may contain chemical additives and preservatives that are bad for health.

2. Certain vegetarian foods are often deep-fried.
Deep fried usually gives higher calories which may lead to obesity.
For example, in 100 g of fried tofu, it contains 271 calories.
100 g of fried dough fritter is having 558 calories.

Besides, the excess oil and fat are bad for cardiovascular health as the oils are high in Omega 6 which can cause body inflammation and leads to various chronic diseases.

3. Some vegetarian food is prepared using high-heat stir frying or deep frying. This cooking method may destroy the phytochemicals and antioxidants of the plant foods and significantly reduce its nutritional values.

4. Furthermore, vegetarians may be only taking one kind of mushroom (shitake) and rely on it to get polysaccharides nutrients.

It's actually more beneficial to consume different types of mushrooms to get different unique types of polysaccharides for different protection functions.

What NUTRITION is especially important for people with Vegetarian Diet?

Stay tuned for my upcoming post. Thank you. 

+65-9090 9942
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Why MUMPRENEURS are on the rise??

Mother's Day is around the corner! 

What makes mother's day so special?

All mothers are great! 

As children, we need to be grateful and appreciative to respective mothers for their sacrifices and efforts in grooming us up. 

Especially when we become a mother of own children, we can relate more about how being a mother feels. 

Read the below from The Straits Times

'Mumpreneurs' on the rise in bid for work-life balance

A small but growing number of mothers are leaving the traditional workforce and setting up their own businesses. Called "mumpreneurs", many want more flexibility to look after their children.


Having to struggle for work-life balance with the arrival of the little ones, it's not surprising that MUMPRENEURS are on the rise! 

For me, many years ago, I personally have seen a few of my friends/ ex-colleagues decided to leave their workforce in order to spend more time for their children. 

It's indeed very challenging for working mothers to cope with family and work balance especially in a demanding working environment.

Let me name a few scenarios:

Children falling sick

When the children are ill, how do you feel when you are taking care of them? 
"Tiring, exhaused..."

Working mothers usually suffer from insufficient rest and sleep, therefore, they are physically and mentally drained especially the next day they have to rush back to work. 

A few emergency trips to hospital easily drained the working mothers' energy and stamina too.

Worries about their children are unavoidable especially seeing them having to suffer from certain diseases, and staking dose by dose of medicine.

Accompany for Excursion or school activities 

Sometimes, when school requires parents to accompany their children for excursion/ parent teacher meeting, have you struggled or in dilemma to request a leave from your boss?

Late/ Delayed Fetching Children from school

Due to some adhoc issues or OverTime at work, working mothers may end up leaving office late, therefore picking up their children from school late too. 

Dilemma during applying leave/ emergency leave from employer

During any emergency issue at home, when working mothers wanted desperately to settle the family issues, they feel dilemma in applying leave from employer. 

Would the frequent leave application affect the impression from employer and therefore affect the potential promotion and salary increment?

When the economy is not doing well, would this affect the stability of their job to continue serving the company or will they experience retrenchment? 

What kind of values to teach and groom the children?

Due to busy and hectic schedule in the demanding working environment,  working mothers may have a tendency to mislook on grooming their children as a wholesome person.

One of the most important Questions usually is missed by working mothers: 

"What kind of person I want my children to grow up as?"

"Responsible? Trust-worthy? Resilient? Respectful?"

"Is my parenting style aligned to the values that I want to groom my children to become?"

I personally feel that especially the grooming part is the most important part. 

No doubt , as much as many parents could, they are sending their children to the best schools, best enrichment classes etc in hope the children can receive best education. 

However, many times, the intangible values are very important as these values incalcated since small will shape the children's character for future.

Also, they see us as a role model.

What are your thoughts about the above?

Being a mumpreneur ever since my first daughter was born (in fact before my pregnancy) and until now, I am blessed that i have benefitted a lot from the business. Having time freedom on hand, I can plan the things to take care of both career and family. I gained a larger perspective towards parenting too, through my personal growth and leadership in the business. 

Hence, I'm very passionate in working together with mumpreneurs or mothers who wanted to become a mumpreneur.

You're welcome to talk to me via whatsapp +65-9090 9942 to find out more. 

Best Regards, 
+65-9090 9942
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant/ Entrepreneur 


Sunday, April 30, 2017

"Come and Cheers with Me!!!"

Come and Cheers with me with ORCHESTRA!! 

My 20 month-old son loves Orchestra Strawberry the MOST!! 

Once finished 1, he will request for another 1 more serving. 

My girl cheers with her brother together! Both are Ochestra lovers! 

The japanese herbs, Kumazasa and Ashitaba in Orchestra are especially good for kids for detoxification and preventing cough and allergies. 

Definitely, they are helpful to build the kids'  memories too & prevent fat accumulation in their body especially liver. 

Best Regards, 
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant
+65-9090 9942

How to turn your White Rice to become MORE NUTRITIOUS?

Simply sprinkle VegeColor on your rice, you can turn your white rice to become more nutritious, packed with 28 different types of fruits and vegetables!!!

That's why I love VegeColor about!! It's so convenient! =D 

What is VegeColor?

Click for more info: 

Best Regards, 
+65-9090 9942
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant


Eczema Attack

What do you normally do during eczema attacks?

Steroid no doubt reduce inflammation during eczema flare-up, however the medicine brings along the side effects that out-weight its benefits as it suppress the immune system response, thus leads to weaker immune system

To help with eczema, it's crucial to understand the root cause of eczema too. 

Eczema is an auto-immune disease, it means the immune system self-attacks own body organs.  

This can be linked to leaky gut syndrome

Our digestive tract functions as a protective barrier of our bloodstream from the food we eat, which allows essential nutrients to be fully absorbed and utilized by our body. 

A leaky gut is a condition of vulnerable and easily permeable gut lining where undigested food particles find their way into the bloodstream, which then triggers autoimmune responses that can eventually lead to various diseases such as eczema.

In order to prevent eczema, we can apply Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle approach: 

1. Prevent intestine from inflammation

Why inflammation happens on the intestine?

- Misuse/ overuse of antibiotics that kill the good gut bacteria 
- Constipation that leads to toxin accumulation 
- Overeating of oily and fried foods (as contains high omega 6) including cookies and biscuits

To prevent gut inflammation, prevent the above causes. 

1. Reduce/ Stop taking animal-based protein such as eggs, cow's milk, animal meats , dairies to prevent triggering the eczema attack.

2. Take Wholesome Plant Foods to reduce the intestine inflammation, such as cactus (excellent natural anti-inflammatory) , chia seed & kiwi seed (rich in omega 3 to balance the omega 6 intake) 

Hope you find the above helpful especially for people or parents who children who suffer from eczema in preventing eczema using natural way. 

For more info, you're welcome to contact me at +65-9090 9942. Thanks. 

"Knowledge alone is not power. 
The sharing of our knowledge, is when the knowledge becomes powerful." 

Best Regards, 
+65-9090 9942
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

What are your kids' favourite fruits?

Today, My elder daughter finished 1 apple after her Nutrifresh Milk as her breakfast! 

She requested another more apple. 

Wondering why she likes the apple so much, guess the apple must be nice and crunchy today! 

Moving towards Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle for my kids :) 

Best Regards, 
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant
+65-9090 9942  

Sunday, April 23, 2017

What are the dangers of drinking cows' milk?

Watch the below video!

Contrary to many people's belief, cows milk brings more harm than good to our body.

Are you still drinking cows milk daily?

Are your parents (elderly at home) still drinking cows milk, wishing to strengthen their bones?

Are your kids drinking cows milk?

Is there a better alternative to cows milk?

Click the below link to see more about cows milk & a better alternative:

Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant
+65-9090 9942

Can you LOSE your WEIGHT by eating SALAD?

I have been craving for salad recently! 

Had a plate of salad as my lunch! 

As much as many salad lovers like to eat salads as their lunch too, it's important to take note of the salad dressing as some of the salad dressings are high in calories!!! 

Can you guess how much calories in just 2 tablespoons of the salad dressings in the market?

Which is your favourite salad dressing?

Do you know that there is a misconception that eating salad can help lose weight? 

To lose 1 kg of weight in a week, your daily calories should be kept at 800 calories for female, 1000 calories for male. 

In a plate of salad, you can self-check which dressing and how much (tbsp) you use to mix the vegetables?

If you mix the salad with quite a lot of salad dressing, a plate of salad could easily reach 500-600 calories! 

With added some grilled salmon/ chicken, the plate of salad could become 800-900 calories! 

It could in turn cause you to put on weight instead of losing weight!!! 

  • Learn more about calories counting & healthy weight management:

Hope the above is helpful for you next time when you have your healthy salad! 

Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant
+65-9090 9942

Saturday, April 22, 2017

How to prepare a simple yet healthy Mee Hoon Kueh at home?

How to prepare a simple yet healthy Mee Hoon Kueh at home?

My first attempt of making VegeColor Mee Hoon Kueh as lunch for family!!!

I found out that it's actually very simple to do! 

Now, look at the mee hoon kueh below!! 

it's no longer just plain flour!!! 

With every single bite, you get to eat 28 types of different fruits and vegetables into your body!!! 

How amazing!!! :D :D 

What is VegeColor?

VegeColor is definitely a great convenience for me to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my family as part of healthy lifestyle. 

If your family are eating less vegetables in their daily meals, perhaps you can give it a try on VegeColor ! 

You are welcome to contact me to find out more about it at +65-9090 9942 via whatsapp. 

We're What We Eat!
Health is our Best Asset. 

Safeguard our health before it becomes liability. 
Best Regards, 
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant
+65-9090 9942