Friday, September 12, 2014

Great experience interviewing world renowned Nutritional Immunologist,Dr Jau Fei Chen

I was invited as an emcee and interviewer of Live! with Dr Chen Chapter 3 @ Orchard Hotel on 17-Aug-14. 

There are about 2000 people who are attending the session. 

It was an awesome experience interviewing Dr Jau Fei Chen who is the founder of Nutritional Immunology. 

Who is Dr Chen?

This is one of the reasons why I like my business so much! 

It allows me to have so many great exposure experiences which i would never get in my job. 

Best regards 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9 Superfoods which are good for eye's health

9 Superfoods which are good for eye's health.

1. Brussel Sprout
Brussels sprouts are abundant in zeaxanthin, which helps to boost overall immunity and protect eyes.

2. Chia Seed
Chia seeds are rich sources of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid with powerful anti-inflammatory effects that may help prevent eye conditions linked to oxidative stress and inflammation.

3. Blueberries
Blueberries are packed with anthocyanins—powerful antioxidants that protect the retina from free radical damage.

4. Chinese wolfberries
Like cassia seeds, Chinese wolfberries are used in TCM to help nourish the liver for better eye health. They are high in lutein and zeaxanthin, which act as antioxidants in the eye to protect and maintain healthy cells.

5. Cassia Seed
Cassia seeds are used as a tonic for the liver, eyes and kidneys in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). An unhealthy liver cannot rid the body of toxins effectively. This leads to more toxins in the bloodstream, causing free radical damage to the eyes. Cassia seeds help neutralize free radicals and protect the liver by boosting the activities of antioxidant enzymes. 

6. Broccoli
Broccoli is a potent source of sulforaphane, a phytochemical with potent antioxidant effects that help protect the retina.

7. Yellow pepper
Yellow pepper is high in nutrients like lutein, beta-carotene and violaxanthin that help improve vision.

8. Grape Seed 
Grape seeds are abundant in oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs). These are powerful antioxidants that help strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the eyes.

9. Carrot
Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene and lutein for better night vision and to help prevent dry eyes.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Experience DIY yourself in coloring your hair with E.Excel Coloring Kit

Testimonial from my friend who loves the hair dye from E.Excel after first use! :) 

The coloring kit is very mild but give a good coloring result! 

The chemical smell is also almost not there. 
It won't cause much itchiness in scalp too. 

 I personally dye my hair using the color kit before also. 
After washing, your hair will be very silky and smooth also.

Highly recommend you to use it if you always DIY for your hair coloring.

Or if you don't want to harm your scalp and hair too much by coloring frequently, you can choose E.Excel coloring kit! :) 


Monday, September 1, 2014

High Blood Pressure Medicine - Side Effects

High blood pressure has become one of the most common heart diseases nowadays. 

Many people may think that with medicine prescribed for high blood pressure, it means they are safe and the problems solved. However do you know that side effects of these medications bring harm to your health in the long run?

Have you heard of people end up going for kidney dialysis (kidney failure) after medicine intake for many many years? 

What are common high blood pressure side effects?

Different classes of blood pressure medications have different side effects.


Diuretics can lead to an increase in potassium loss, known as hypokalemia, which, in turn can affect muscular function -- including the muscles of the heart. There is also an increased risk for gout with diuretics -- as well as the possibility of weakness, thirst, dehydration, and increased urination. Changes in blood sugar levels are also possible. Skin reactions, some severe, are possible with thiazide diuretics (such as hydrochlorothiazide). Potassium-sparing diuretics, such as spironolactone (Aldactone) may cause breast enlargement in males.

Beta blockers

Beta-blockers cause the heart to slow down and so some of their side effects can be traced to that mechanism of action. Dizziness, weakness, fatigue, and fainting are possible. Beta-blockers also affect the respiratory system, so other side effects include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and chest pain. Beta-blockers should not be withdrawn suddenly, as that could result in a heart attack or sudden death.

ACE inhibitors

The most common side effect from ACE Inhibitors is also an unusual one -- a dry cough. Usually it goes away with continued use of the drug, but that could take weeks. ACE Inhibitors could reduce blood pressure too much, resulting in hypotension which could, in turn lead to headache, dizziness, fainting, and reduced kidney function.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers

The most common side effect from the angiotensin receptor blockers(ARBs) is an increased potassium level in the blood, known ashyperkalemia. Dizziness is also common, along with fatigue. Upper respiratory tract infections have also been reported -- along with gastrointestinal issues such as upset stomach and diarrhea.

Calcium channel blockers

Up to a third of patients may experience the following side effects with calcium channel blockers: Swelling of the ankles and other extremities, flushing, and dizziness. Other common side effects include heartburn and nausea.

Alpha blockers

A common, transient, but distressing initial side effect of the alpha blockers is postural hypotension. This is a sudden drop in blood pressure when standing up. It can be severe enough to cause dizziness or even fainting. In addition, the alpha blockers can result in increased heart rate, headache, nausea, and weakness.


Methyldopa is mostly well tolerated, but some patients may experience dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, headache, and dry mouth.

Central agonists

Up to 40% of patients taking clonidine (Catapres) will experience dry mouth and about a third will have drowsiness, headache, and sleepiness. Other common side effects include constipation, dizziness, and local skin reactions with use of the Catapres-TTS skin patch. Reserpine use is linked with possible side effects including nightmares, stuffy nose, depression, and an inability to fall asleep. Diarrhea and heartburn are also possible. Guanadrel and guanethidine can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues – as well as dizziness and drowsiness.


Taking minoxidil might result in excessive body hair growth, as well as weight gain and dizziness. Hydralazine is linked to headaches, heartpalpitations, swelling around the eyes, and aches and pains in the joints.

Do protect your kidney and liver if you or your loved ones are taking medications for the high blood pressure condition.

It will never be too late to protect these organs before they are damaged day by day by the chemical substances in the medicine. 

Wholesome Food Product Recommendation: 
1. ENCORE : to nourish and protect Liver
2. REFRESH: to nourish and protect Kidney
3. ORCHESTRA: Good for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. 


Friday, August 29, 2014

Millet Porridge

I started cooking millet porridge with carrot and O-SEED for my girl.

First try on Millet! 

Great she is good with millet porridge! :)


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Baby Han exploring a new book

Han is exploring a new book! 

Interesting book from Fisher Price:

Happy 8 month old!

Happy 8 month old, my dear little Han Han!
Wearing a new top, ready to go Gai Gai!


Beware of harmful chemical ingredients in our household items

Do you know what are the chemical burdens to our body? 

Do you think that things that we use topically are less or more harmful than the food that we consume? The answer is it may be more harmful. 

You may be surprised to learn that substances that we breath in or absorb through the skin may go directly to our blood stream if the substances are very tiny, therefore affecting our body system if the substances are harmful. 

Whereas food that we eat at least will go thru our stomach to let gastric juice to kill the germs for us first. Hence, always beware of the harmful chemical ingredients in our house hold items. 

1. Fluoride - Found in toothpaste and drinking water. Research has revealed that fluoride increases cancer risk. 

2. Formaldehyde - In disinfectants, shower gels, body lotions. Classified as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. 

3. Lead and Mercury - In whitening skin care and toys. Could harm nerves, digestion, urination, endocrine system, bones and others. Lead in placenta and breast milk can harm fetuses and infants. 

4. Nonylphenol - In cosmetics, plastics, pesticides. Could cause low sperm counts and malformed genitalia. 

5. Perchloroethylene (perc) - In dry cleaning solvents. Linked to increased risk of certain cancers. 

6. Phenol - In plastics, paints and some medicines. Could harm brain, nose, throat, lungs and heart. 

7. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) - Found in Shampoos, toothpaste, foaming bath oil. In 1983, the Journal of American College of Toxicology reported that animals exposed to SLS experienced eye damage, depression, laboured breathing, diarrhoea, severe skin irritation and corrosion and death. 

8. Triclosan - Found in toothpaste, hand wash, shower gels, toys, clothing. Research from the US shows that triclosan mixed with chlorinated water releases chloroform. When absorbed chloroform thru the skin, it may cause depression, liver disorder and even cancer. 

9. Turpertine - In show polish, paint thinner. Breathing or swallowing turpentine causes kidney and bladder irritation. 

10. Vitamin C - Found in whitening skin care. Too much cause redness, swelling and sensitive reaction. 

In fact, many times, unknowingly, the infants are already exposed to chemical pollution in the womb!! 

The EWG (The Environmental Working Group) has shown a study's result that 232 different chemicals in the cord blood of 10 babies who were exposed to the substances while still in the womb. 

The study tested for chemicals found in nearly every American household. The findings represented the first reported detections in American newborns for 21 contaminants. Among them:

1. Bisphenol A (BPA) - to make polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins that are made into hard plastic infant formula bottles, water bottles, metal food cans, safety helmets, glasses, TV, computer, CDs. BPA is linked to cancer, cognitive and behavioural impairment, endocrine system disruption, reproductive and cardiovascular system abnormalities, diabetes, asthma, and obesity.

2. Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) - fire retardant for circuit board. Interferes with thyroid function and may inhibit the production of T cells to fight viruses and bacteria.

3. Perfluorobutanoic Acid (PFBA or C4) - used to make non-stick, grease-, stain- and water-resistant coatings for consumer products. It is linked to cancer, birth defects and infertility.

4. 8 Previously undetected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) - used in industrial lubricants, coolants and insulating materials. According to the US government and academic scientists, PCBs have been shown to damage the immune system, disrupt the endocrine system and developing brain.

To date, EWG studies have found out 414 industrial chemicals, pollutants, and pesticides in 186 people from newborns to grandparents.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has only tested about 200 of its inventory of more than 80000 chemicals in the market and has banned only 5!!

It takes more than food safety to be healthy!! 

We have a choice indeed to safeguard our family's health by choosing the personal care and household products that are safe.

Be a wise consumer. Always check the ingredient label upon getting any product in the market. Make sure at least it's free of harmful chemicals as listed above.

"Eat Healthy, Feel Heathy, Be Healthy!" 

Warmest regards, 


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Do you think Replacement Therapy works?

Many of people nowadays are going for Replacement Therapy when their body is lacking of certain component for example, hormone, collagen, glucosamine....

Lacking of hormone especially during menopause - use Hormone Replacement Therapy - injecting chemical hormones into body to 'replenish' naturally produced hormones 

Lacking of collagen as we age which affected many parts of our body (joints, sagging of internal organs and muscle, skin sagging and wrinkled) - eat animal collagen or animal placenta

Lacking of glucosamine in our body - take glucosamine pills made by chemicals (made in lab) or shells from shellfish (crabs, shrimps, lobsters)

Have you ever wondered that do this methods really work????
Do they bring side effects after 2 years down the road???

Replacement Therapy - when we use it on long term basis, there will be side effects within our body cells. 

In our body,  we know WHICH hormone we are supposed to produce and WHEN to produce,  Just like a woman experiencing menopause, she can choose to use Hormone Replacement Therapy. However, after 1 year of using HRT, this woman will face increased risk of getting breast cancer by26%, stroke by 41%!!

As a woman, if tonight she quarrels with her husband and not sleeps well, the hormone that she produces that night will be different. When we use HRT and inject the chemical hormones inside. we may have exceeded the amount of my body requires. This leads to consequences of higher risks of getting cancer as CHEMICAL hormones increases cancer risk. 

As we age, we start seeing wrinkles. This is because my body experiences loss of collagen. 
If today there is someone telling you that you can use EXTERNAL COLLAGEN (animal) to replenish your body's collagen, you can tell her/ him that it's IMPOSSIBLE. Why?
The logic is very simple. Do you think that we can use animal kidney to replace human's kidney? No. Why not? Even we can't simple take other people's kidney for transplant as our body has an IMMUNE SYSTEM which will REJECT the external source. Once rejection takes place, do you think your body will see inflammation?

Where does collagen come from? Some people may tell you to eat more pig's throttle as it is rich in collagen. However, do you know what when the animal collagen goes into your stomach, it will be digested to amino acid, no longer in the collagen structure anymore? Where do we think that we can replenish our collagen with the animal collagen?? Furthermore, the animal source like shark, cows, may be infected and contaminated with heavy metals. We will expose to health risk if we eat it into our body. 

The animal collagen which exist in the skin care products - do you think our body can absorb the collagen thru topical use? Again, it's impossible as the molecular structure of collagen is too large that the skin pores can absorb. 

Our body is very wonderful machine. To replenish collagen in your body, you SHOULD let your body to SELF-PRODUCE collagen within your body. Only your body knows very well that how much collagen you need. Each individual's collagen is different from each other.  When your body cells are young, you can self-produce your own collagen! Taking plant foods which are rich in antioxidants will help your body cells young therefore can self produce collagen within your body. 

Glucosamine has become so popular nowadays and highly recommended to consume to protect joint health. However, the medical journal from UK has publish one finding after doing a survey on a 3800 people who cotegorized into 2 groups. One group is taking glucosamine pills and the other group is taking placebo. Both groups do not know what they are taking. After taking for a while, the result shows that glucosamine doesn't improve the joint condition and the pain level. So it tells that if someone after taking glucosamine and feedback that their pain reduces, it means it's just a placebo effect. 

The side effect of glucosamine is the person will develop into diabetes after taking glucosamine pills. 
Why? The logic is very simple. Glucosamine itself doesn't exist in the mother nature. It only occurs when your body is taking plant food rich in Glutamin such as brown algae, your body will then convert glutamin into glucosamine within your body, which further converted into glycosaminoglycans (which is a major component in our cartilage).

Do you also know that those glucosamine which use crab shell or shrimp expedite the fast growth of these shrimps, do you think the farmers will put fast growth hormones into the water? Now we are eating their shells...we are indirectly eating the fast growth hormones also. 

When we go to hospital, after checking and found out that our body is lacking of certain enzyme, we will then rush to pharmacy to grab the probiotics or certain enzyme products - hoping to replace the enzymes that our body is lacking. Initially, we may find out that the product works!
However, it's important to understand this fact that - our body CAN PRODUCE own enzymes. If we to use external source of enzyme to replenish body's enzyme, do you know that your body will feel lazy to self-produce the enzyme next time? Hence, dependency happens as your body will forget how to produce for you already. 
Same logic applies when a person who sits on wheel chair for 1 year and after that, he can't walk anymore as the leg muscle will degenerate and lose the ability of walking!

When a healthy person keep taking injection of external insulin, initially everything looks fine. However, after  a while, this person will develop diabetes, because the body forgets how to produce insulin itself already.

Omega 3: 
When we go to pharmacy, you may be approached by someone to get fish oil to replenish your omega 3 within your body. Fish can produce DHA and EPA (Omega 3), and Plant has only ALA (another form of Omega 3). Do you know that fish eats seaweed (which has ALA) to produce DHA and EPA within its body? Actually, do you think that human's body should be more wonderful that fish? When human takes chia seed and kiwi seed (rich in ALA), we can also produce EPA and DHA.

However, it became a norm that we tend to reply on replacement therapy to protect our health nowadays. We may justify that since all these fishes can produce EPA and DHA, i eat the fish will do. With this practise, human didn't realise that they start depending on these animal sources and create imbalance within the body which will bring many negative consequences in the long run. 

Living in the society where health info from advertisement, TV, radio, newspaper is so abundant, we really need to be a WISE consumer in CHOOSING THE RIGHT INFO and KNOWLEDGE to practise. 

NUTRITIONAL IMMUNOLOGY - which always pioneers in the latest findings of health information, led by Dr Jau-Fei Chen keeps educating consumers and public on the right health knowledge, and allows the public to be a wise consumer! 

The above information - learned form Dr Chen thru one of her "Live! With Dr Chen" Health Seminars held in Singapore.

Warm regards, 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

To all mummies, you are the greatest!

I felt so touch after reading the below post as I can fully relate to it! It's the experience of all mother would go through during pregnancy! 


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Live! With Dr Chen Chapter 3

LIVE! With Dr Chen Chapter 3 
From the last 2 sessions of Live with Dr Chen we learnt about the side effects of cholesterol and blood pressure lowering drugs, difference between Alzheimer vs Parkinson disease and its Prevention, the best food for our babies, can glucosamine help in joint pain, does birds nests really help in beauty, are there such things as collagen drink and skincare, weight management etc.

Due to the overwhelming response fr the public, Dr Chen is coming back again!

This time Dr Chen is covering topics like:
  1. Why non-smoker women are still able to contract lung cancer and its prevention
  2. Is diet able to build up immunity and prevent cancers
  3. Vegetarian and its diet
  4. All about soy
  5. Is mammogram able to prevent breast cancer and is diet able to prevent it
  6. Risks of eating overnight and preserved food
  7. New launch of cooking oil using macadamia nut (lowest omega 6)

Dr Chen on CNA (world-renowned Nutritional Immunologist and founder of E.Excel)

Date: 17 aug, Sunday

Time: 1pm-5pm

Venue: Orchard hotel

Fee: $25. With goodies bag

Limited tix!  Please confirm ur tix NOW!!!

Here's the street map to the location of the event:

Don​'t forget to bring a small note pad to jot down important health knowledge if you want to keep it and apply in your daily lifestyle. 
You can also prepare some questions which you want to clarify with Dr Chen. On that day, you can write and throw in the question box on the spot. Your questions will be considered and addressed by Dr Chen in next seminar. 

I will be the emcee and interviewer of Dr Chen on that day, maybe very busy for the preparation before the seminar starts. Hence, i will have to pass the ticket to you earlier (few days ahead) when you have confirmed your ticket with me. 
So, let me know ASAP for your ticket confirmation. =) 

Look forward to seeing you! ;) 

Thank you and best regards
Joselyne Mei Hwa

Broccoli Quinoa porridge

Today woke up early morning and cooked for Han quinoa porridge. 


Quinoa (1 small cup) 
Few pieces of broccoli 
Chia seed and kiwi seed from O-Seed

Used vege wash to clean the broccoli too remove any possible pesticide.

After feeding her millennium, I fed her the porridge. Glad she finished the morning serving! 😊 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Her morning breakfast - Soy Milk

Nutrifresh as her breakfast 

Why did I introduce Nutrifresh? To give her a plant-based soy bean milk in hope to replace her formula milk which has many synthetic vitamin fortification. 

Why i choose soy milk rather than cow's milk?


Soya bean + grape + banana + pineapple + asparagus + barley + broccoli + cabbage + cantaloupe + carrot + citrus peel + honeydew + peas + pear + peach + grapefruit + lemon + rice powder 

(No artificial coloring and preservative) 

Suitable for growing children from 6 months onwards.

I am glad she is GOOD with the taste!  :D 

Some parents may have concern of introducing many plant ingredients at one time. To me, i find it's okay to continue introducing as long as after first attempt she is not developing any allergies towards it. 

Furthermore, I have read that the latest AAAAI has come up with this recommendation on introducing allergen to infants:

This past January, however, the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology (AAAAI) released a new set of recommendations on infant feeding practices to help prevent food allergy. The recommendations are based on the available observational research to date, and are the first guidelines to state that delaying introduction of foods like wheat, cow's milk dairy, eggs, fish and nuts may actually result in an increased risk of food allergy or eczema. - See more at:

Nutrifresh has been a very convenient source for me to prepare her for soy milk now! ;) 

See Why I choose Nutritional Immunology for myself and family?

WA me @ 90909942