Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Liver diseases - is it reliable to monitor our liver health based on liver test results?

Read a post in Facebook regarding liver diseases, would like to share it here.
English translated version as followed by the Chinese version

台大醫院醫師最近掀起一股超音波檢查熱,原因是該院一位才 37 歲的主治醫師就是因為太過仰賴肝功能指數檢查(GOT、GPT),卻在春節前被檢出已有 10公分 肝癌!且肝已被撐破!




 許金川表示,醫生對肝病的防治都可能發生錯誤認知,更遑論一般民眾了;曾有一位 醫師也是誤信GOT、GPT,結果只幫他岳父監測數值,後來這位岳父大人還是得了肝癌!



 日前,許醫師門診也是有位病人,最近一個月經常肚子痛而且體重也減輕了不少;經超音波檢查發現,肝臟部位有一個很大的肝癌,幾乎 80%的肝臟都「吃」掉了。





1 .晚睡晚起為最大致命傷。
4 .不吃早餐→透支體力而不自知。
5 .服用藥物過度。
6 .防腐劑、添加物、色素、人工甘味(如:沙茶醬)
7 .不當的油脂(如:沙拉油為不穩定油),烹調盡量少用油,即便是好油,如:橄欖油。疲倦時不吃油炸物,若要吃趁精神好時吃。
8 .不生食(完全熟食)亦不利肝。青菜生吃或煮三分或五分熟,炒過的青菜當天吃完,不要隔夜吃。
9 .錯誤的價值觀,只追求卓越,欠缺和平、博愛。
1 0.急躁。

 晚上9- 1 1 點為免疫系統(淋巴)排毒時間,此段時間應安靜或聽音樂。倘若此時,作母親的仍處於焦慮狀態,如洗碗盤、盯孩子功課,對健康不利。
 晚間11-凌晨 1 點 肝的排毒,需在熟睡中進行。
 凌晨1-3點 膽的排毒亦同。
 凌晨3- 5 點肺的排毒,此即為何咳嗽的人在這段時間咳得最劇烈;因排毒動作已走到肺經,不應用止咳藥,以免抑制廢積物的排除。
 凌晨5- 7 點 大腸的排毒,應上廁所排便。
 早晨7- 9 點 小腸大量吸收營養的時段,應吃早餐。療病者最好早吃,在6點半前,養生者在7點半前,不吃早餐者應改變習慣,即使拖到 9 、 10點吃都比不吃好。
 晚睡晚起 混亂整個排毒過程;另外,半夜至凌晨4點為脊椎造血時段,必須熟睡,不宜熬夜。


 一、 右上腹悶痛
 二、 右後腰酸痛
 三、 右肩感覺酸、麻、痛,甚至造成右手舉不起來
 四、 小腿晚上睡覺時,容易抽筋



肝臟不好,晚上睡眠品質會不好,翻來覆去不容易睡著;起床後口乾、口苦、口臭,刷牙時牙齦會流血。平常為食物沒有興趣,不吃不餓,吃一點點就有飽感;走路走個兩步小腿就會很酸, 會感覺全身越來越疲勞,手腳也是越來越沒有力。



Translation in English using Google Translate.

National Taiwan University Hospital recently set off a sonogram heat, because the hospital has a 37-year-old physician - because too dependent on liver function examination (GOT, GPT), before the Spring Festival he has been detected in 10 cm Liver cancerous tumor! And the liver has been bursting!
 Clinically, there are far too many people are superstitious at liver function index, that index normal means OK, this misconception is even believed by many professional doctors. These doctors usually have to establish the correct health knowledge among people,  but their own common sense actually is still not correct .
Liver cancer prevention is better, but NTU promote early prevention and treatment of liver cancer, People who finally died of liver cancer is still vivid in many people's mind for example, Director Xu Zaiqiu - another renowned pathology profession, Professor Lin Wen - the elder medical community,  Professor Du, and National Taiwan University College of Physicians, Internal Medicine doctoral student KK, were dead due to liver cancer.
 Liver Disease Prevention and Treatment Research Foundation executive director of National Taiwan University Hospital, professor of internal medicine Jin-Chuan Sheu noted that in the last decade of research in small liver cancer, deciding clinically the liver is of good condition or not can't completely rely on the liver GOT, GPT values, but with medical advances so far, this misconception still remains the same.
 Jin-Chuan Sheu said this misconception has lead to many doctors making wrong judgement towards liver disease in the public; There was a physician who was helping his father in law to monitor the liver condition - believed on just checking the GOT, GPT, in the end, then the father in law still got liver cancer!
There is a young physician in NTU, due to the right upper stomach's discomfort, he did self-examination with ultrasound probe and discovered it's a tumor.
 Jin-Chuan Sheu said that the liver itself has no sensory gland, so often the liver cancer was diagnosed when it has worsened to quite severe stage, but it was too late; This is the biggest reason why liver cancer is difficult to treat.
 In Taiwan, there are 30 people die of liver disease every day. Under a limited knowledge, liver disease has been the biggest killer in Taiwan and became a threat to people's health. Physician Xu sighed, too many innocent people are killed.
 Recently, Xu has a clinic patient who claimed a frequent stomach pain last month and experienced also a lot of weight loss; The sonography found he has a liver cancer, almost 80% of the liver has been "eaten" out .
 The patient was shocked, asked him "how it could be?" He just did health checks last year, the results were normal, how could it happened just in one year, that the liver tumor has grown to so big?" Actually the patient just did the liver functionality test, and the results shown were "normal"

Usually, the liver test done are the functionality test. This liver test is the most familiar or common test for most people. But this check is always misunderstood by people that as long as liver function test values ​​are normal, there is nothing wrong with the liver. This has resulted to one after another tragedy.
 Jin-Chuan Sheu said: GOT, GPT is the largest enzymes inside liver cells, if there is any inflammation of the liver, or for whatever reason which cause cell necrosis, the GPT and GOT will come out into the blood resulting in the GOT and GPT values ​​increased; Therefore, if the GOT , GPT index is not high, it does not mean that patients are not experiencing cirrhosis or liver cancer.
The ALT level is tested to look for and evaluate damage to the liver. This test measures the amount of an enzyme called glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) in your blood. This enzyme is found in many body tissues in small amounts, but it is very concentrated in the liver. It is released into the blood when cells that contain it are damaged.
(The GOT glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase or GPT glutamate pyruvate transaminase is also known as AST and ALT)

Although the patients with hepatitis has their inflammation stopped, but when there is formation of cirrhosis of the liver and fibrosis and cirrhosis has been formed, the liver cancer is more easily occurred.
Furthermore, usually in the early stage liver cancer, the liver index is not high, because the growth of cancer tumor will only damage the surrounding liver cells, thus, GOT, GPT could be still normal, even if it's increased, it wont be too high. Because many people are lacking of this knowledge, thus causing many unfortunate tragedies.

The following are the reasons that cause fatal liver injury:

1. Sleep late.

2. No defecation in the morning.

3 Overeating.

4 Do not eat breakfast

5. Overuse of medication.

6. Taking preservatives, additives, coloring, artificial sweeteners (such as: barbecue)

7. Improper intake of oil (eg: salad as an unstable oil), cooking oil as little as possible, even good oil, such as: olive oil. When feeling tired do not eat fried things

8. Do not eat raw food (fully cooked) has adverse liver. Eat One-third or one-fifth raw or cooked vegetables, roasted vegetables must be finished on that day, do not eat it overnight.
9 wrong values, only go for pursuit of excellence, lack of peace and fraternity.

10. Impatient.

Pay attention to the adjustment of living and eating habits. 

When coupled with diet therapy, allowing the body to take the initiative at the right time for absorption and detoxification action.

Dr Chen earlier has mentioned that liver plays a very important role in our body.

The liver is the biggest gland in the body, and the scientists estimated it has over 500 different functions! The main functions of the liver are to:
  • Assist in the food digestion. It makes bile, which is needed to digest fats
  • Make many chemicals important for function of all over the body.
  • Filter blood, remove toxins, dead cells, microorganism from bloodstream
  • Regulate fat metabolism
  • Burn fat - major fat-burning organ in the body
  • Store carbohydrates in the form that allows a quick release of energy when it is needed. This is why people with liver damage may lack of energy.
  • Regulate blood sugar
  • Make plasma proteins, needed to help blood clot
Besides detoxification, liver actually plays an important role in the production of cholesterol. When we have high ‘bad’ cholesterol, it is not just purely due to dietary intake. It could be caused also by ‘malfunctioning’ of liver.

Therefore, there is a direct link between our liver and heart.

By properly nourishing our liver, we can keep our cholesterol level in a good balance and thereby we will be able to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

SUPERFOODs which can nourish our LIVER:



Both are 2 japanese herbs well-known as longevity herbs!

More info about Kumazasa and Ashitaba:

Best regards, 
Nutritional Immunology Consultant
+65-9090 9942

Monday, August 19, 2013

Dinner at Jerry's BBQ and Grill

Had a sumptuous dinner at Jerry's BBQ and Grill restaurant with my hubby yesterday! A belated birthday celebration - supposed to be a French dinner at MBS but due to some clashing of time arrangement, ended up with American dinner! haha 
nvm it's still a great dinner moment =) 
We had a very full dinner too with the big servings!

I immediately drank a pack of Millennium (my cactus beverage) after taking so much meat over the dinner too! haha
Felt more relieved from removing the harmful animal hormones...hehe
Wondering western food is always of such big serving and a lot of meat with little vegetables. No wonder the chronic diseases (such as diabetes, cancer) rate is increasing much higher than of the Asian countries.

However, in recent years, chronic diseases cases in Singapore is also on the rising trend. Yesterday read the newspaper article stating that within 10 years, terminal stage kidney patients cases are multiplied. It is estimated that in year 2016, there could be an increase of more than 500 kidney patients.  Diabetes is the main culprit that caused kidney failure disease. As we know, majority of diabetes are due to incorrect dietary habit by eating too much high calorie food, rich in meat which cause obesity etc.

I feel blessed that there are such convenient healthy plant food products for me to consume whenever I am having 'not so healthy' diet. =)  

Saturday, August 17, 2013

How to choose Omega 3?

Is anyone taking omega 3 fish oil supplements?
  • What are the benefits of omega 3?
  • How to choose a right source of omega 3 nutrients?
  • Are there possible RISKS of omega 3 fish oil supplements? 

Let's explore together


Proper intake of Omega-3 helps to prevent:

  • cardiovascular disease
  • cancer
  • obesity
  • other diseases such as those of the immune system
  • It also aids brain, bone and infant development
  • It's required to balance out excessive Omega 6 in our body 

What is Omega-6?

Omega-6s are vital for supporting heart, brain and immune system health also!

However, high amounts of Omega-6s may increase risk of several diseases and conditions, including asthma, cardiovascular disease, cancer, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases, all of which are believed to stem from inflammation in the body!

This imbalance may also contribute to 

  • obesity
  • depression
  • dyslexia
  • hyperactivity 
  • tendency towards violence

Unfortunately, modern diets contain too much Omega-6s and too few Omega-3s due to overloaded vegetable oils (Omega-6 source) in 

The typical unhealthy diet contains 14-25 TIMES MORE Omega-6s than Omega-3 many processed and fast foods and intake of corn-fed animals.

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Limited recommends an

Omega-6: Omega-3 ratio  = 3:1 

Types of Omega 3:

2 major types of Omega-3 from animals:

  • Docosahexaenoic (DHA)
  • Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) 

Omega 3 from plant source:

  • alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)

Possible safety concern of animal-based Omega 3

  • Toxic contamination such as mercury, pesticides (especially in fish liver and skin)
  • Interference with medication
  • Increased risk of stroke and cancer
  • Do not boost babies' mental development 
  • High in calories 

Why should I choose plant omega 3?

  • Eco-friendlier
  • No risk of overdose
  • Do not increase cholesterol level
  • No fishy burps
  • Do not deplete Vitamin E

Let's look at Omega-6 too.

Which are the right plant source which contains more Omega-3 than Omega-6 to make up for high levels of Omega-6 elsewhere in our diet?

Very obviously, Chia Seed & Kiwi Fruit Seed are of the right choice!! 

Why flax-seed not recommended?
  • may be unsafe for unborn children 
  • worsen hormone-senstive conditions such as breast, uterine and ovarian cancers. 


Chia seeds are ideal sources of omega-3 fatty acids. They are perfect examples of what wholesome food can provide for your health and immunity!

1) Powerful Dose of Omega-3

  • Chia seed's high level of omega-3 fatty acids is 3 times its omega-6 - a perfect balance of fatty acids. 60% of the oil in chia seed is ALA (Omega-3), exceptionally high among plants.

2) Excellent Source of Antioxidants

  • Unlike other omega-3 sources such as fish that has a fishy stench and no antioxidants, chia seed is rich in antioxidants including flavonol glycosides and chlorogenic acid, to fight free radicals and nourish the immune system. 

3) Enhances Cardiovascular Health

  • Chia seed is cholesterol-free. Regular chia seed consumption can reduce blood pressure and inflammation, lower cardiovascular disease risk, dramatically decrease triacylglycerol levels and increase HDL (good) cholesterol. 

4) Anti-Cancer

  • Omega-3 fatty acids from chia seeds can help to inhibit cancer growth and spread. There is increasing evidence that consuming more omega-3 fatty acids is important for cancer prevention.


Kiwi fruit is packed with nutrients. 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration lists kiwi fruit as one of 30 anti-cancer fruits and vegetables. Its numerous tiny black seeds are also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C.

1) High in Omega-3

  • ALA, an Omega-3 fatty acid, cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through diet. With 62% ALA, kiwi fruit seed is an ideal plant sour...ce of omega-3 for vegetarian.

2) Protects Heart Health

  • Kiwi fruit seed can improve blood flow and reduce inflammation and platelet aggregation. Its ALA helps to keep cell membranes soft and flexible for oxygen and nutrients to enter easily, and carbon dioxide and wastes to exit efficiently. It is also heart-protective and helps to prevent sudden cardiac death.

3) Promotes Brain Health

  • The brain is an important part of the nervous system. It is about 60% fat. Nerve cells responsible for sending chemical signals need ALA to maintain perception of pleasure, prevent depression and for leanring and memory.

4) Improve Immunity

  • The essential fatty acids in kiwi fruit seeds are necessary for making prostaglandins, which play a role in immune function by regulating inflammation and encouraging the body to fight infection.

Best Regards,

Nutritional Immunology Consultant/ Entrepreneurial Mom 
+65-9090 9942:

How to lose weight healthily? Start Counting Your Calorie Today!!

If you want to do a good weight management, start counting your daily calorie intake!!!

To maintain our existing weight, daily calorie intake requirement for

- Female: about 1800 kcal/ day
- Male: about 2000 kcal/ day

When we are taking in calories more than the above requirement for a certain duration of time, we shall see ourselves starting to grow 'horizontally'!

Hence, daily calorie intake is very important in weight management. Start practising calculate your calorie intake to prevent from putting on weight!

Lowering your calorie intake is all about everyday choices of what to eat.

If you want to lose 1 kg every week, it is recommended that females take only 800 calories daily and males 1000 calories daily.

Let us check out how much calories of foods that we usually eat...

Check out how much calories we are taking in on our daily meal
  • Milkshake (1 big cup 900ml) --> 2310 kcal (Unbelievable!)
  • Double Beef and bacon Burger --> 1680 kcal
  • Fried Chicken Drumstick --> 400 kcal
  • Fries (1 large serving) --> 440 kcal

Refer to the table for other foods...

How about calorie content of other foods?
  • Cantonese fried noodles (1 serving) --> 690 kcal
  • Rice (1 bowl 180g) --> 240 kcal
  • Chicken Caesar salad (1 serving) --> 990 kcal (due to the salad sauce!!)
  • Chocolate sundae (1 cup) --> 320 kcal
  • Cheesecake (100g) --> 320 kcal


Be wise in choosing our foods - instead of fried food or foods high in sugar, choose fruits and vegetable, and boiled or steamed food. They are low in calories and are more nutritious.

For example, instead of eating a slice of cheesecake (320 kcal), choose an apple (60 kcal) to satisfy hunger pangs.

Here are some examples of such foods and the amount of calories they contain.

Be sure to include exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle also. Exercise burns calories and maintains the immune system while you are losing weight. Calories burned during exercise are affected by the intensity of workout and your weight, level of fitness and metabolism.
Let's check out how much calories burned per hour for different body weights!

Other tips for safe, effective weight loss:
  1. Drink water and eat high-fiber fruits and vegetables before meals, so that your body is hydrated and receives the nutrients it needs most first. You will also feel fuller before you start your meal and will eat less.
  2. Start off your meal by drinking soup then by eating rice and side dishes.
  3. Get enough sleep so that your body burns off enough calories during sleep.
  4. Try to avoid oil when cooking, each tablespoon of vegetable oil contains 130 calories!

Hope all will achieve your desired weight healthily :)  

To assist you to reach your desired weight more easily in healthy way, healthy fast food 1-Shape is an ideal choice. 

Please click below to find out more:

Warmest Regards, 
Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Consultant
+65-9090 9942

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Oxyginberry Beverage - Testimonial from an Elderly with Skin Discoloration

A testimonial from an elderly who suffered from skin discoloration for 20 years due to side effects of heart medicine intake over 20 years!

You can learn more about skin discoloration from the below link:

The filial daughter got the Oxyginberry Beverage for the father to consume mainly for protecting his father's health as understanding the side effects from the medicine.

The father took 1 packs of Oxyginberry Beverage daily!

Guess how was his body's skin after 3 months' consumption?

The daughter was so happy after learning about her father's improvement!!

This problem has in fact troubled the father for more than 20 years.

That's the wonder of nutrition in Oxyginberry Beverage to our immune system! After the immune system gets the right nutrition, it will work properly and do whatever which is required in the body and fine tune the body back to normal condition. The father gained back his skin coloration when his immune system started working properly!

You can read about the Chinese version's Sharing in details from below:

You can learn more about Oxyginberry Beverage from the below link:

For more info, kindly contact me.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How do you SLIM DOWN healthily without having to starve yourself?

How many of us feel that obesity is okay?

Actually, obesity is not just dangerous to your self-eseteem, more importantly, it can endanger your health and lifespan, too!

According to scientists, it can weaken our body's immune system and reduce its ability to fight off infections....

What's more, obese people have:
40% more risk of dying of heart disease
60-120% higher risk of dying of diabetes and kidney failure
10% more risk of fatal cancer
20% more risk of failed lungs!!!

To see if your weight is healthy, first calculate your body mass index (BMI).

Healthy Weight management Concept:

In order to lose weigh effectively and safely, we must first know our calories requirements: To maintain our existing figure, calorie intake for:

  • Female with exercise is 1800 cal per day, Female without exercise is 1600 cal per day.  
  • Male with exercise is 2200 cal per day, Male without exercise is 2000 cal per day.

In order to lose 1 kg/ week, 

Daily Calorie intake for Female is  800 Calorie/ day.
For Male is 1000 calorie/ day.

  • For more details about calorie counting, please click the below link:

How 1-Shape & SoyGreen can help us in healthy weight management?


What is 1-SHAPE?

1-Shape which is a healthy beverage rich in Soy Bean, American Ginseng, Grain Fibres and Fruits and Vegetables, Low in calories with no cholesterol or caffeine.


Soygreen contains Soy Bean, Psyllium Husk, An assortment of fruits and vegetables (Banana, Broccoli, Spinach, Snow Pea, Leaf Lettuce, Radish Leaf, Asparagus, Kale, Green Bell Pepper, Mustard Greens, Romaine Lettuce).

The difference between 1-SHAPE and SOYGREEN is: 
  • 1-Shape contains American Ginseng 
  • SOYGREEN doesn't contain American Ginseng, but contain an assortment of fruits and vegetables and can be taken as a MEAL REPLACEMENT. 

When you are on low calorie intake, we need the Superfoods in 1-SHAPE/ SOYGREEN to help you to enjoy health, vitality and success in managing your weight. 

Soy Bean 

  • Soy Bean is rich in protein (the proteins are 2 times compared to beef, 4 times compared to egg, and 12 times compared to formula milk).  The protein from soy helps you to maintain muscles to burn more calories.

    Usually when on a low-calories diet, insufficient protein intake to build or maintain muscles will result in less muscle to burn calories, because the more muscle you have in relation to fat, the higher your metabolic rate.

    So here the tetrapeptide from soy let you maintain muscles to burn more calories, which in turns help increase your fat metabolism rate. 
  • Besides protein, soy bean also rich in phytochemicals (called Geninstein – prevents giving nutrients to cancer cells in our body through blood veins, therefore block cancer formation pathway), vitamins, calcium, folic acid.
    it is also low-fat, low-calorie and cholesterol free.

Psyllium Husk (Grain Fiber) 
  • Psyllium Husk give you high fibres - therefore increase satiety (to curb appetite) and prevent constipation, because usually many people who are dieting often suffer from constipation due to inadequate fiber intake.

  • Here, the psyllium husk from 1-SHAPE/ SOYGREEN has 2 types – soluble fiber + insoluble fiber

  • the soluble fiber help you form a protective shield in our stomach, to reduce the absorption of fat and cholesterol later when eating.  The insoluble fiber helps promoting bowel movement and sweep away the accumulated toxins from your intestines & therefore help prevent colon cancer too. 

  • So, psyllium husk aid weight control by curbing appetite and reducing the absorption of fat and cholesterol

America Ginseng

  • America Ginseng helps you relieve stress and reduces fatigue.  

    Fatigue and a weekended immune system are commonly encountered while on a low-calorie diet or in the midst of changing diets.  

    American Ginseng has the ginsenosides (Rb1, RE) can help to counter stress, boost immune functions, and energize when the body feels tired. American ginseng is a rich source of vitality and energy.  

    The Ginsenosides from American Ginseng can help you reduce 70% of getting cancer if you consume daily

Fruits and Vegetables
  • Fruits and Vegetables contain disease-fighting nutrients such as phytochemicals and antioxidants that help to prevent chronic diseases. Experts have long advised obtaining the variety of nutrients we need from plant food, not vitamin supplements, as the latter may cause side effects.

So you can see that 1-SHAPE/ SOYGREEN is made from all-natural botanical ingredients. 

These wholesome plant foods naturally contain important phytochemicals and antioxidants to support your immune and digestive systems, and a healthy, active lifestyle also.

Many weight-management products on the market contain STIMULANTS that have unpleasant side effects like heart palpitations, insomnia and high blood pressure, or diuretics that promote water loss. 

It is hard to keep the weight off and have rebound effect once you stop taking these products. 

1-SHAPE/ SOYGREEN does not contain any stimulant or diuretic.

We only need to take 2 sachets 1-SHAPE / 1 sachet SOYGREEN daily, plus limit our daily calorie intake to 800 cal/day (female) or 1000 cal/day (male) in order to lose 1 kg/ week!!! 

When drink 1-SHAPE/ SOYGREEN, remember to shake or stir well, drink immediately to prevent beverage from becoming unpalatable.  

(Remember! must be consistent in consuming for at least 1 week in order to lose 1kg).  

We have to be calculative on our calories.  But please remember do not starve.. Cos, starving slows down our metabolism rate over time, our body will adapt to it and this will make it harder to lose weight

Normally in the beginning we might get hungry very fast because of low-calories and rich in nutrients from 1-SHAPE/ SOYGREEN.  

If we ever get hungry along the day, the correct way is to choose something that is nutritious, filling, healthy yet low calories if feeling hungry in the beginning of adaptive period, such as fruits or reach for more 1-SHAPE/ SOYGREEN better J  

Remember to add Oxyginberry Beverage to ensure muscle toning and prevent muscle sagging after slimmed down 

as Oxyginberry Beverage enhance SELF-PRODUCTION of collagen to support your muscle toning and skin elasticity. 

Weight control is not just purely aesthetic as a healthy body weight will prevent us from getting all sort of dreaded diseases like diabetic, cardiovascular problems, and even cancer!

→So, if you plan to shed away some kilos to look slimmer

it’s actually quite easy to achieve the goals via 1-SHAPE/ SOYGREEN and As long as you remember the rule of thumb:

  1. No oily stuffs
  2. No fried stuffs
  3. No carbonated sweetened drinks
  4. More vegetables and fruits
  5. Always count the calories when we eat/ drink
Plus some light exercise like walking.

    →If your goal is to maintain your current weight and prevent constipation/ cardiovascular diseases and colon cancer

    1-SHAPE / SOYGREEN is also an ideal choice as it's a very convenient source of fiber, american ginseng, soy bean and fruits and vegetables!

    You don't have to cut your daily calorie intake into 1000 cal/ day. Just maintain the daily calorie intake as:

    Male with exercise is 2200 cal per day (without exercise 2000 cal/day),

    Female with exercise is 1800 cal per day (without exercise 1600 cal/day)

    Anyone benefited from the above?


    If you need more information or have any enquiry, you're welcome to talk to me at +65-9090 9942.

    Enjoy your slimming journey! =)

    Scan the QR code below to join as MEMBER for free: 

    Best regards,
    Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Coach
    +65-9090 9942