Showing posts with label Dr Jau Fei Chen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr Jau Fei Chen. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What are the differences between bacteria and virus?

Do you know how to differentiate bacteria from virus?

Bacteria - are much bigger than viruses. Most bacteria measure from 0.1 microns to 10 microns (a micron is one millionth of a meter).

Viruses - usually range from 0.02 microns to 0.2 microns. If you take average virus to assume the size of a human being, the average bacteria would be as large as ten-story building! Viruses are so tiny that they can only be seen through an electron microscope.

Bacteria - are more complex organisms. They are living entities and have all the necessary genetic machinery to reproduce by themselves. They do this by splitting into 2 cells once every 20-30mins.

Viruses - are often classified as non-living and cannot reproduce by themselves. A virus only has a protein coat and a limited amount of genetic material, which is either DNA or RNA.

The virus reproduces by invading a host cell and hijacking the host's machinery. The host then becomes a virus-making machine, churning out new viruses that infect other host cells. Some viruses can stay dormant inside host cells for long periods of time, causing no visible changes until they are stimulated.

How do Bacteria and Viruses spread?

The main routes for bacterial infections are usually through food sources or fecal-oral contact (such as Salmonella poisoning), water (cholera), sexual (gonorrhea) and respiratory transmission.

As for viral infections, respiratory transmissions are a very common route for viruses. Most often, viruses that cause upper respiratory distress, such as influenza, travel via
tiny respiratory droplets - the minute amounts of fluid that exit your nose and mouth while you cough or sneeze. 

Some viruses, such as Ebola virus, may move widely through the air. In any circumstances, viral infections such as HIV, which causes AIDS, may be transmitted through the blood or through sexual intercourse. 

Many bacterial and viral infections are transmitted through close and direct contact, such as through contaminated hands, which pass the virus and bacteria to the nose, mouth and eyes. In fact, everyday actions like touching door handles and tabletops can cause our hands to become contaminated with these germs.

Some examples of Bacterial and Viral infections:

Bacteria cause:
Food Poisoning
Peptic ulcers
Most ear infections
Strep throat
Gum diseases
Urinary Tract infections...

Skin boils and abscesses

Viruses cause:

Most coughs
Most sore throats
Hong Kong Bird Flu
Taiwan Intestinal Flu
Dengue fever
Chicken Pox
Small pox
A link to certain cancers

Do Antibiotics Kill Viruses?

Antibiotics CANNOT kill viruses! Therefore they do not work against the flu, SARS, and other viral infections.
Antibiotics are drugs that kill bacteria and so can be used to treat pneumonia and other bacterial infections. Most antibiotics work by destroying a bacterium's cell wall. This stops the bacterium's ability to reproduce. However, viruses don't even have a cell wall.

Most people tend to take antibiotics for viral infections, not realizing that antibiotics can actually make infection WORSE. By killing the beneficial bacteria, antibiotics create a more conducive environment for viruses. In this case, taking antibiotics is not only INEFFECTIVE but also produces NEGATIVE side effects, some mild, some deadly including bone marrow toxicitym siezures, anaphylactic shock and even death.

The US FDA has warned against misuse of antibiotics, stating that "bacteria and other microorganisms that cause infections are remarkably resilient and can develop ways to survive the drugs meant to kill or weaken them. This antibiotic resistance is due largely to the increasing use of antibiotics."

The super-strains of infectious microorganisms will no longer be killed by antibiotics alone, we may require more toxic experimental drugs to overcome them. So when we really need it, the once powerful antibiotics may be useless.

What Treatments are Available for Viral Infections? 

Only a small amount of antiviral medications exist and their effectiveness is limited. Of bigger concern is the adverse side effects of some antiviral drugs. Delirium, agitation, elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, bronchitis and seizures are some of the reported side effects.

Scientists from University of Leicester caution against the use of antiviral drugs as they may cause severe toxicity, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women as these drugs may produce birth defects.

There is nothing like IMMUNE SYSTEM to fight viruses. A properly NOURISHED IMMUNE SYSTEM has all the ammunition necessary to defend the body against infections!

Read more: 

Why IMMUNE SYSTEM is the best doctor in the world?

Best Regards, 
Nutritional Immunology Consultant & Ultimate Freedom Coach
+65-9090 9942

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Goals of Nutritional Immunology

Nutritional Immunology focuses not only on prolonging life but improving the quality of life. It aims to help people make better-informed choices about nutrition and their lifestyle. Many people fall ill because they lack knowledge about nutrition. Many more don't know that nature provides all the nourishment we need for a healthy immune system. All  we need to do is to make the simple decision to eat healthier to improve and prolong our lives.

According to Nutritional Immunology, what we eat directly affects how our immune system works. Good nutrition gives us an amazing disease-fighting capability while poor nutrition makes us fall ill easily and take a longer time to recover. Nutritional Immunology emphasizes prevention over cure and longevity over more good health.

Unlike the days when poverty and starvation were rampant, many of us have access to sufficient sources of basic nutrition like protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional Immunology goes a step beyond these basic survival nutrients to research disease-fighting nutrients like antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharides.

Experts on Nutritional Immunology study plant foods, which contain the most abundance of antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharides. They also study the proper quantity of such plants that is need for excellent health. For example, studies show that we need a minimum of 15 different plant foods daily to obtain an optimum amount of phytochemicals.

Experts also emphasize consuming natural nutrients sources from whole plant foods and not chemically created ones. By encouraging us to consume more plant foods, Nutritional Immunology tackles the prevention of modern day chronic and degenerative illnesses by enhancing the health of the immune system.  When we succumb to chronic illnesses, we age faster. By preventing these illnesses, Nutritional Immunology helps us to strive for longevity.

Apart from researching types of immune-enhancing plant foods, Nutritional Immunology also focuses on the age, specie, part, cultivation, harvesting methods and processing techniques of these plant foods in order to derive maximum benefits.

Selecting species/ herbs:
For example, over 80 specie of ginger are available, but all contain different combinations of nutrients.

Some plants, like ginseng and ginseng berry, contain different nutrients in the root as compared to the fruits.

Orange and lemons have been traditional sources of the antioxidant, Vitamin C. But rose hips, the small fruits of roses, contain up to 50 times the amount of Vitamin C found in lemons.

Proanthocyanidin (OPC) found mainly in grape seeds, has 20 times more potent than Vitamin C and up to 50 times more potent than another antioxidant, Vitamin E.

Similarly, soy is perhaps one of the best sources of phytochemicals known to mankind. Isoflavones, a soy phytochemical is used to relieve menopause symptoms in women in place of risker chemical alternatives like hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Mushromms are also being recognized for their astounding nutritional capabilities. Polysaccharides from Agaricus Blazel Murill (ABM), Shitake, Maitake, Ganoderman and Coriolus Versicolor mushrooms are particularly flavored for their ability to inhibit tumors and even enhance treatment procedures for existing cancer sufferers. However, Amanita mushrooms can kill when eaten.

Within the same Opuntia cactus family, there are some whose fruits are edible and others like Opuntia Compressa, whose fruits cannot be eaten.

Some plants are natural BUT are NOT safe. For example:
  • Ephedra (Ma Huang) - its active ingredient ephedrine, a popular ingredient in slimming pills can cause heart attacks, blood toxicity and bleeding strokes. The FDA has also collected over 150 ephedra-linked death reports.

  • Guar Gum - a weight-loss ingredient was banned in the 1990s. Guar gum is a complex sugar that swells when wet, creating a feeling of fullness when eaten. However, its side effects include frightening instances of stomach,  throat and intestinal blockage.

  • White Willow Bark - contains salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin. The FDA says that this herb is sometimes used in child medications that are labeled aspirin-free. It can induce internal bleeding in aspirin-sensitive adults. The National Council Against Health Fraud cautions that using it for childhood chicken pox or influenza can lead to Reye's syndrome, a disease which affects all organs of the body, but most lethally the liver and the brain.

  • Guarana Seeds, Cola nut, Camellia leaf - high-caffeine herbs are popular weight-loss agents because caffeine reportedly boosts metabolism. Depending on the species, guarana yields up to 10% caffeine by weight. Camellia leaf carries about 3.5% and the average caffeine content of raw coffee is about 2.2% by weight. Experts concur that too much caffeine can cause anxiety. insomnia, irregular heartbeat, addictiveness and even death in those with high blood pressure. Some of these herbs are used in combination with diuretic herbs in slimming supplements to make the body lose large amount of water, leading to temporary weight loss. Overuse of diuretics also increases the risk of kidney damage.  

Harvesting Time:
Ginseng and cactus need to be grown for many years before harvesting while mushrooms are more nutritious when harvested early.

Processing for Quality and Quantity:
Certain phytochemicals may be found in the whole plant but not in its extract or juice. Similarly some plants can be heated to extract nutrients while others cannot. For example, soy needs heat during processing while heat may destroy nutrients in more fragile plants. Overheating cactus for instance, discolor the surface and reduces nutrient content. Heat can also degrade a food's fiber content.

While manufactures should be careful to thoroughly clean harvested plants, force should be avoided. Ginseng roots for instance should not be scrubbed vigorously as this removes valuable nutrients. Rapid drying after cleaning will also discolor fragile ginseng berries as each berry yields only a few drops of essence.

Cactus are among the most difficult plant foods to process. Their thorny exterior forms an imposing barrier to the highly nutritious getl within. A detailed regiment of extraction and filtration is need to remove the various tiny particles. thorns and impurities before the gel is fit for use.

Another plant food that must be carefully processed is bee pollen. Bee pollen consists of an edible and water-soluble interior and a hard, inedible exterior or shell. Commercial bee pollen sometimes contains the shell - endangering the digestive system and making it difficult for the body to absorb the nutrients.

The Knowledge Factor

There is a difference between good herbal products and excellent ones. It is not difficult to produce herbal products that have a good amount of nutrients. But it is extremely challenging to select the best herbs and plant foods and deliver them to consumers in the purest, freshest and most nutritious form.

It is knowledge that separates the two. Nature requires our respect and understanding. Only by being careful and aware can we expect to obtain the optimal power of an herb or plant food.

Thanks to Nutritional Immunology, we now can have that knowledge. And become it is a constantly developing science, we can rest assured that research is going to reveal even more astounding, disease-fighting properties in plant foods. Thus far at least, Nutritional Immunology is already giving us the most precious knowledge at all - how to prolong the length and quality of our lives through Nature's healthiest herbs!

If you wish to find out more about Nutritional Immunology, kindly contact me via message/ email.

Thank you. 

Warmest Regards, 
Nutritional Immunology Consultant

Friday, August 9, 2013

Why OXYGINBERRY for Young to Old, Men to Women?

WHY Oxyignberry Beverage?

First, Oxyginberry Beverage consist of 6 Superfoods (Ginseng berry, cactus fruit, cactus, grape seed, rose and seaweed) rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals.

1. Ginseng Berry 
  • Super-Antioxidant - prevent free-radical damage 
  • Increase skin hydration, prevent fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin softness and fineness
  • Improve blood circulation for better concentration and memory 
  • Helps body utilise oxygen more effectively
  • Improve quality of sleep 
  • Sooth emotion
  • Aid slimming process - increase metabolism 
  • Regulate glucose level - prevent diabetes

2. Cactus 

  • Rich in phytochemicals - more than 10,000 different types of phytochemicals 
  • Nourish immune system to prevent diseases 
  • Anti-infllammatory - Speed up wound healing, inhabit arthritic inflammation 
  • Anti-viral
  • Anti-cancer - prevent cancer-causing hormones from attaching to normal cells
  • Contain flavonoids - protect neurons against oxidative injury
  • Reduce oxidative damage and liver and kidney toxicity as a result of a toxin from foodstuffs
  • Enhance phagocytic activity - better cleansing in the body 
  • Rich in nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. 
  • Decrease cholesterol and triglycerides levels - prevent hardening of blood vessel and therefore prevent stroke
  • Regulate blood sugar level, stabilise diabetics' glucose level
  • Cell repair and cell renewal
  • Improve skin condition - speed up collagen formation 

3. Cactus Fruits

  • antioxidant – promoting cell repair and renewal

  • High in Vitamin A, B1, B12, D3 and riboflavin - promote skin repair and regeneration, soften the skin

  • 4. Grape Seeds

  • Super antioxidant (OPC) – 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C, 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E

  • A significant 62% reduction in oxidative damage, according to a study compared grape seed and vitamin C by having cell incubated in both medium. Vitamin C did not show any significant reduction. 

  • protect cells against oxidative damage by the free radicals, therefore improve inner health and slow down ageing 

  • Protect vision - slow down diabetic retinopathy by strengthening blood vessels and improving blood circulation in the eyes.

  • Protect against cataract formation

  • Helps speeding up wound healing with less scarring

  • Support collagen structure, decrease UV damage to skin, promote youthful and radiant skin

  • 5. Rose 

    • antioxidant – help prevent oxidative damage, promote wound healing, encourage phagocytic activity, boost immune system
    • Anti-bacterial, anti-microbial properties
    • Lighten skin pigmentation, gives a fairer and smoother skin
    • Relieve feminine health problems 
    6. Seaweed

    • Rich source of minerals, trace elements, amino acids, antioxidants, phytoestrogen, polysaccharides, and enzymes
    • Contains fucoidans, meroterpenoids - antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory 
    • eliminates toxin from our system, prevent blood clotting in the uterus
    • Anti-aging skin care
    • Anti-cancer
    • Help chronic joint-diseases 
    • Promote wound healing
    • Stimulate collagen formation and cellular turnoever 
    • Help skin repair, improve skin elasticity and firmness 

    Second, Oxyginberry is formulated based on the Science of Nutritional Immunology research. 

    Science of Nutritional Immunology studies the link between foods and immune system, and it's pioneered by Dr Jau-Fei Chen, who is the world-renowned Nutritional Immunologist from US. 

    When we select the superfoods in the Oxyginberry, a few criteria are being taken care of. 

    1. Species
    Ginseng berry we used are harvested from american ginseng and Ji Lin ginseng, and not korean ginseng.   

    Korean ginseng is not suitable for daily consumption due to its heaty nature.
    However American ginseng and Ji Lin ginseng are food grade which can be taken by all.  

    2. Part

    We use the grape seeds from the grapes as the seeds have the highest antioxidant level compared to the meat and the skin. 

    3. Harvesting time 

    Cactus and Cactus Fruits need to be harvested after 10 years growth to ensure high nutrition values. 

    4, Food Synergy

    Together these 6 super foods in Oxyginberry are combined to create a SYNERGISED food, which can be consumed daily by all, for a great health benefit. 

    Third, Food Safety of Oxyginberry Beverage

    • Organic (free of pesticides) and non-genetically modified plant ingredients.
    • Free of preservatives, synthetic minerals.
    • Tested and free of heavy metals such as mercury, copper, lead, arsenic, and cadmium.
    • Tested and free of at least 1822 toxins including narcotics, steroid drugs, banned drugs like Fenfluramine and human growth hormones.
    • Received "Food Safety Excellence Award" from Singapore AVA for consecutive 12 years since 2004.
    • The E.Excel food manufacturing plants are GMP-regulated. 
    The below are the certificates received from AVA:

    I was priviledged to take a photo with Ms Khoo, who is the GM of E.Excel Manufacturing Plant Singapore. 

    Forth, Oxyginberry Beverage is perfect for:

    1. Men - hero of the family to stay healthier, stronger and more energetic and alert to handle work and making quick decision during critical hour, prevent chronic diseases such as high cholesterol and diabetes

    2. Women - slimmer, prettier, and healthier, fair complexion, muscle more toned up, prevent internal organs from sagging especially womb

    3. Children - healthier immune system, better concentration,  better eye sight, grow up stronger, healthy and intelligent

    4. Elderly - more active and quality lifestyle, prevent degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, macular degeneration, stroke 

    5. Pregnant ladies/ mother-to-be - look radiant, keep mummy energy up throughout the day, ensure enough nutrients to the baby, strengthen womb and support the uterus, regaining pre-pregnancy figure easily

    Grab these 6 precious SUPERFOODS for your daily diet through Oxyginberry Beverage/ Capsules as they work in SYNERGY to rejuvenate your body!!

    Check out how Our Clients say about OXYGINBERRY as below: 

    1. knee pain:

    2. Immunity enhancement - free from seizures in small child

    3 Best gift for mother

    4. Bone Fracture Recovery

    5. Less frequency of falling sick
    Testimonial on OXYGINBERRY and ORCHESTRA 

    6. Nourishing during pregnancy
    Testimonial from a Pregnant Lady who benefitted from Oxyginberry and Millennium

    7. Their babies are E.Excel babies!
    E.Excel Babies!!

    Feedback from my friends after using the E.Excel products

    Let's start Oxgyinberry today! 
    Wealth without health is meaningless. 

    Best Regards, 

    Nutritional Immunology Consultant 
    +65-9090 9942
