Showing posts with label Evernew Orange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evernew Orange. Show all posts

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Evernew Orange Fruit Cup and Coconut Trees Fruit Platter

Did a healthy fruit cup using Evernew Orange for myself :)


1. Slice the orange from top to separate in five. Scoop the orange and set aside. 

2. Cut the kiwi fruit into small cubes and mix with strawberry, cherry and blueberries.

3. Mix the Evernew Orange with orange juice. Stir evenly and add in all the ingredients in Step 2. Fill into the orange cup. 

4. Decorate with cherry, blueberries and strawberry on top.

Also did a healthy fruit platter "COCONUT TREEES" for my girl :) 

Does it look like 2 coconut trees? :)

I use Evernew Orange as the "soil base" of the coconut trees. 

When Emily saw this platter, she was very excited at her BIG dessert with different colours. :p 

But she only managed to eat a little. The below is the deformed coconut trees after her dessert time! haha! I finished the rest of it. 

I'm happy to see her growth milestone! 

Happy Emily! :) 
