Now after knowing about Nutritional immunology, I started to learn all these knowledge, health condition improved when my wisdom increases. Hope that my mistakes will not be repeated among ppl surrounding me.
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Today read another article about vitamin E and beta carotene supplements:
Vitamin E, Beta-carotene no help for heart disease, cancer
WASHINGTON (AFP) - In yet another blow to the US$28 billion (S$35 billion) vitamin industry, a US task force on Monday urged against taking Vitamin E and beta-carotene to ward off heart disease or cancer.
The latest guidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force update the 2003 edition by adding Vitamin E and beta-carotene, a supplement that was already known to be ineffective at preventing the two most fatal diseases in America.
The findings are based on a systematic review of scientific studies which found that Vitamin E does not help - and that beta-carotene supplements could actually do more harm than good.
"Beta-carotene can be harmful because it increases the risk of lung cancer in people who are already at increased risk for the disease," said Task Force co-chair Michael LeFevre.
Reference source:
Today I choose to take organic wholesome plant food products especially Oxyginberry beverage for maintaining my health. And I m glad that it has benefited me, my family, and my friends around me to gain back our health. =)
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