Showing posts with label Superfoods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Superfoods. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9 Superfoods which are good for eye's health

9 Superfoods which are good for eye's health.

1. Brussel Sprout
Brussels sprouts are abundant in zeaxanthin, which helps to boost overall immunity and protect eyes.

2. Chia Seed
Chia seeds are rich sources of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid with powerful anti-inflammatory effects that may help prevent eye conditions linked to oxidative stress and inflammation.

3. Blueberries
Blueberries are packed with anthocyanins—powerful antioxidants that protect the retina from free radical damage.

4. Chinese wolfberries
Like cassia seeds, Chinese wolfberries are used in TCM to help nourish the liver for better eye health. They are high in lutein and zeaxanthin, which act as antioxidants in the eye to protect and maintain healthy cells.

5. Cassia Seed
Cassia seeds are used as a tonic for the liver, eyes and kidneys in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). An unhealthy liver cannot rid the body of toxins effectively. This leads to more toxins in the bloodstream, causing free radical damage to the eyes. Cassia seeds help neutralize free radicals and protect the liver by boosting the activities of antioxidant enzymes. 

6. Broccoli
Broccoli is a potent source of sulforaphane, a phytochemical with potent antioxidant effects that help protect the retina.

7. Yellow pepper
Yellow pepper is high in nutrients like lutein, beta-carotene and violaxanthin that help improve vision.

8. Grape Seed 
Grape seeds are abundant in oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs). These are powerful antioxidants that help strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the eyes.

9. Carrot
Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene and lutein for better night vision and to help prevent dry eyes.

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Power of Mushrooms

I believe that most of you have known about one of the E.Excel premium products, NUTRIACT which consists of the 4 mushrooms namely ABM Mushroom, Maitake Mushroom, Shitake Mushroom and Ganoderma Lucidum Mushroom.

All these mushrooms are a good source of Polysaccharides

The functions of Polysaccharides include increasing the production of Natural Killer (NK) cells, interferon, interleukin to destroy existing cancer cells and viruses, increasing NK cells activities and ability to inhibit benign or non-malignant cells to become malignant ones.

How exactly each of these mushrooms help in cancer and viral infection prevention? 

1. ABM Mushroom:

At the Medical Department of Tokyo University, the National Cancer Center Laboratory and Tokyo College of Pharmacy, mice with cancerous tumors were fed ABM mushrooms. The cancerous tumors were eliminated in 90% of the mice.

Even more astounding, when the mice were fed ABM as a preventive agent and then afterwards injected with the powerful cancer-causing cell line, Sarcoma 180, 99.4% of them showed no tumor growth.

Research performed at universities in Japan, HK and a few in US have suggested that the polysaccharides derived from ABM have a positive effect in stimulating lymphocyte T-Cell and helper T-Cell production in laboratory animals.

in 1995, Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum, Ph. D. at King Drew Medical Center at UCLA, found that the ABM mushroom increases the total number of immune cells throughout the body. 

Furthermore, he discovered that this mushroom not only increases the no of Natural Killer (NK) cells, but also makes each individual NK cell more powerful. Dr Ghoneum presented his findings during San Francisco's 9th World Immunology Congress saying, "In the present study, we evaluated the ability of the ABM Mushroom to stimulate in vivo NK cell activity in mice. T

he results demonstrated that the induction of NK activity was very significant (38-49 fold increase over control)."

The health benefits of the ABM mushroom, from boosting the immune system to preventing the growth and metastasis of all kinds of cancers. is no longer just accessible to the natives in Sao Paulo, Brazil, but is now available to everyone.

2. Maitake Mushroom:

In one experiment, scientists conducted studies to find out whether the D-Fraction of the Maitake mushroom could prevent normal cells from turning into malignant cancer cells. A carcinogen was given to the experimental animals in food 3 times over a 7-day interval. The control Group A was given normal feed. Group B was given feed enriched with 20% Maitake mushroom powder, and Group C was orally administered 1mg/kg of the D-Fraction polysaccharide. After 60 days. the tumors found in the liver were counted. Liver cancer was found in the experiemental animals follows:
-In the D-Fraction Group C, only 9.7% had tumors.
-In the 20% Maitake mushroom feed Group B, 22.2% had tumors
-In the control Goup A, 100% had tumours.

This test suggests that Maitake mushrooms, especially those containing purified D-fraction, are effective in reducing cancer risks where carcinogenic foods are part of the regular diet.

Though extensive experimental studies, researchers have found out that the beneficial activities of Maitake mushroom to include protecting healthy cells from becoming canceroushelping to prevent metastasis of cancerinhibiting the growth of tumors and lessening the side effects of chemotherapy agents

Maitake mushroom has been shown to be most effective in inhbiting cancer of the breast, lung, liver and prostate. Usually, the effectiveneses ranged from 45.5% to 73.3% reduction in cancer growth. It is somewhat effective in cases of leukemia, stomach cancer and bone cancer at 25%, 33% and 16% respectively.

Other researchers in the US have been using Maitake mushroom to treat a number of condition. In one study, researchers used ultrasound results to measure the progress of 6 patients with uterine fibroids. 

Maitake mushrooms were given to these patients and a substantial reduction of the fibroids was found 6 months to 1 year after the beginning of the treatment. In fact, the patients' conditions improved to such a state that surgery was no longer necessary. Promising results of the use of Maitake mushroom on prostate cancer were also found.

3. Shitake Mushroom

Scientific studies conducted mainly in Japanese laboratories, have focused on 2 substances extracted from shitake mushroom - Lentinan and LEM.

In the 1980's, the Pharmaceutical Council of Japan approved Lentinan, a polysaccharide found in the fruiting body of Shitake mushroom, as an anti-cancer drug - something basically unheard of in Western medicine. Lentinan has many immunopotentiating properties including enhancement of natural killer (NK) cells and increased production of gamma interferon.

The Lancer medical journal reported a case in which doctors used Lentinan as treatment for AIDS patient who had been exposed to the disease through a blood transfusion and repeatedly tested positive for AIDS antibodies. The patient was given daily dosage of Lentinan (1 mg/day) for a period of 5 months. 

After 4 months, the AIDS antibodies tested negative and remained so. 2 years later, the patient continues to be healthy.

Today, Japanese doctors are using purifed Lentinan as an immunotherapy for cancers such as lung, skin, stomach, breast, colorectal, cervical and others. The use of Lentinan can help to suppress cancer recurrence and prolong the lifespan of cancer patients. 

In addition, study after study has proven that Lentinan combined with chemotherapy is more effective than chemotherapy aloneHowever, the dosage adminstered is an important part of the healing process

Too small a quantity is ineffective, whereas too much Lentinan can suppress the immune response, giving the opposite of the intended effect. A balanced dosage is necesary to achieve optimum results. In one particular study, the correct dosage of Lentinan produced complete regression of certain cancers of mice.  

4. Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom (Ling Zhi/ Reishi mushroom):

Recently, Ganoderma mushroom has been used to prevent and treat cancer. Regarding cancer treatment, Ganoderma mushroom is being used to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy (fatigue, appetite loss, hair loss, bone marrow suppression and risk of infection), enhance survival rate, reduce likelihood of metastasis, improve quality of life and help prevent the recurrence of cancer.

As a convenience, you can get the above super mushrooms from E.Excel wholesome food product Nutriact Capsules. 

    Nutriact Capsules

Thanks and regards,
WA/ SMS 90909942

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Superfood Cactus


Cactus is an amazingly strong plant that can survive in the harsh desert. 

  • Rich in phytochemicals - more than 10,000 different types of phytochemicals 
  • Nourish immune system to prevent diseases 
  • Anti-infllammatory - Speed up wound healing, inhabit arthritic inflammation 
  • Anti-viral
  • Anti-cancer - prevent cancer-causing hormones from attaching to normal cells
  • Contain flavonoids - protect neurons against oxidative injury
  • Reduce oxidative damage and liver and kidney toxicity as a result of a toxin from foodstuffs
  • Enhance phagocytic activity - better cleansing in the body 
  • Rich in nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. 
  • Decrease cholesterol and triglycerides levels - prevent hardening of blood vessel and therefore prevent stroke
  • Regulate blood sugar level, stabilise diabetics' glucose level
  • Cell repair and cell renewal
  • Improve skin condition - speed up collagen formation 

As a convenience, 

A popular Wholesome Food product from E.Excel, Millennium has been used widely by many people to get the Cactus Superfood for decades! 
  • Ingredients: Cactus
  • Come in Liquid and Powder form

1. Millennium Liquid (new packaging)

2. Millennium Powder Beverage: 

Another wholesome food product Oxyginberry contains Cactus ingredient too!

What is Oxyginberry?

Why I used Millennium for my daughter?
Why Pregnant lady Choose Millennium and Oxyginberry for nourishment?

Why I choose E.Excel Wholesome Food series?

How you can prepare E.Excel Millennium Powder for your baby or yourself?

Baby drinking Millennium Water:

Who else benefit from E.Excel Millennium?

If you have any enquiries related to the above, please feel free to contact/ Whatsapp me at +65-9090 9942. 

Together, we achieve a healthier immune system! 


Ginseng Berry

Ginseng Berry

Ancient people believed that the ginseng root to have supernatural powers. That's why many of our parents make ginseng root in capsule form or drink for us. Do you know that ginseng plant bears ginseng berries and the ginseng berries are higher in nutritional value than the root??

Ginseng berry has the ability to increase strength, regulate blood pressure, increase metabolism, stim
ulate the function of the endocrine glands and fight fatigue. It enhances our brain concentration by increasing blood supply to the brain. Hence, it is very helpful for improving learning ability and work performance.

It can also slow down ageing. Skin becomes moisturized and supple when ginseng berry extract is applied.

Ginseng berry extract is effective in treating diabetes and obesity. Many clinical studies show that ginseng berry can slow down digestion, and lower the absorption rate of carbohydrates, thus helping to lose weight.

Ginsenosides, the nutrients in ginseng, can be found in many parts of the plant including the root, leaf and berry. But different parts of the plant have different pharmacological activities. Ginsenoside Re, which is found in ginseng berry is a potent anti-diabetic.

In Conclusion, Benefits of Ginseng Berry

 - Increases physical stamina
- Increases blood supply to the brain - stimulates mental activity, improves accuracy of work, enhances concentration
- Enhances blood flow
- Slows down degeneration of cells in the human body
- Increases stress resistance
- Calms the nerves
- Increases metabolism
- Strengthens the immune system
- Helps stimulate function of the endocrine glands
- Decreases blood sugar level
- Fights fatigue

Ginseng berry extract shows promise for diabetes, obesity.

"Ginseng berry has a distinctive chemical profile and has not previously been used for therapy," said Chun-Su Yuan, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of anesthesia and critical care at the University of Chicago and director of the study. "We were stunned by how different the berry is from the root and by how effective it is in correcting the multiple metabolic abnormalities associated with diabetes."


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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Nourishment for Heart and Liver

Protect Your Heart and Liver

Our body is constantly working 24 hours daily. 

Our heart has never stopped pumping and our liver is our constant filter. Hence, it is important we properly nourish our heart and liver. 

To protect the heart and liver from diseases, the immune system must be well nourished.
Importance of our HEART:

  • The heart is a powerful muscle slightly larger than a clenched fist located behind the rib cage, and a little to the left of the centre of the body. 
  • The heart works like a pump and sends oxygen-rich blood and nutrients through all parts of the body for each cell to function. On the way back to the heart, blood carries away carbon dioxide and waste products.
Importance of our LIVER:

  • The liver is the largest gland in the body, and scientists estimated that it has over 500 different functions. Evidence indicates that growing older is NOT a reason for the liver to function ANY LESS efficiently.
The main functions of the liver are to:
  1. Assist in the food digestion. It makes bile, which is needed to digest fats
  2. Make many chemicals important for function of all over the body.
  3. Filter blood, remove toxins, dead cells, microorganism from bloodstream
  4. Regulate fat metabolism
  5. Burn fat - major fat-burning organ in the body
  6. Store carbohydrates in the form that allows a quick release of energy when it is needed. This is why people with liver damage may lack of energy.
  7. Regulate blood sugar
  8. Make plasma proteins, needed to help blood clot
  9. The liver is a bridge between the returning blood from the digestive system and the lower part of the body to the heart. 
  10. Maintaining an adequate amount of blood flow to the heart
  11. Contains over half of the body’s supply of Kupffer cells and large populations of natural killer (NK) cells. These immune cells attack and kill “foreign” cells, including tumor cells & cells infected with bacteria or viruses. The liver’s ability to fight infections, will be impaired if the liver is damaged in any way.
  12. Plays an important role in the production of cholesterol. When we have high bad cholesterol, it is not just purely due to dietary intake. It could be caused also by malfunctioning of liver.
(We need cholesterol to strengthen the membranes of each and every cell in the body. It is also important in the production of many hormones in the body including estrogen, progesterone, cortisone, and aldosterone. These steroid hormones help the body manage stress and balance sodium and water in the body, not to mention regulate sexual function.)

  • By properly nourishing our liver, we can keep our cholesterol level in a good balance and thereby we will be able to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
-> Therefore, there is a direct link between our liver and heart.

Recent study has also shown that heart attacks, strokes (cardiovascular diseases) are caused by malfunctioning of our immune system. When there is inflammation on our blood vessels, there will be immune cells which will gather on the blood vessels wall which further block the passage of blood; in addition of deposition of cholesterol and fats on the blood vessels.

--> Hence, we must nourish our liver and heart in a broader scope ie. nourishing our immune system.

As long as our immune system are well nourished, we are assured that we are always with the best doctor in the world!

Protect Your Heart and Liver

Nutritional Immunology advocates plant foods that are high in disease-fighting nutrients like phytochemicals, antioxidants and polysaccharides.

Nutritionists recommended obtaining a variety of nutrients from our diet, not from pills, because not all the nutrients in plant foods can be mimicked in a laboratory and bottled into pills.

Furthermore, liver and heart pills or medicines bring along many side effects as you can see below:

Besides consuming a variety of wholesome plant foods on a daily basis, maintaining good heart and liver health also requires adequate rest and exercise, abstaining from smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, and maintaining emotional balance.

What are the plant foods which are excellent for our heart and liver?


Do you know these tiny blueberries are mighty disease-fighting warriors? Brimming with health-promoting compounds, they give a delicious boost to your heart, immune system, brain, eyes and musculoskeletal system.

Keep your heart happy with Blueberries! Thanks to their high antioxidant activity, blueberries help reduce the buildup of LDL (bad) cholesterol, prevent formation of blood clots that may block blood vessels and cause heart attack and stroke. They may also lower blood pressure. Phytochemicals in blueberries strengthen blood vessels and are useful in treating varicose veins and spider veins.


Hawthorn is a beautiful shrub with a variety of phytochemicals, making it a herb that nourishes the cardiovascular system in many ways!

What are the benefits of Hawthorn?
  •  It increases the rate at which the liver converts LDL cholesterol (bad) into HDL cholesterol (good).
  • Antioxidants in hawthorn include Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs) that help protect against cell damage and atheroscle...rosis.
  • It is rich in flavonoids that help to strengthen the structure of collagen in blood vessels, preventing plaque buildup in them and improving blood flow for the smooth circulation of oxygenated blood.
  • It also helps to decrease blood pressure by dilating blood vessels.
  • It nourishes heart, makes it easier for calcium to enter cells, increases myocardium activity and dilation of blood vessels thus help prevent the heart from oxygen deprivation.
  • Laboratory tests found that hawthorn stopped growth of larynx cancer cells. It may also relieve inflammation

Some other heart and liver nourishing plant foods:

Plum helps to prevent plaque formation in the arteries. The high potassium content in plum helps to normalize blood pressure, while soluble fiber promotes heart health.

Winter melon may protect against cardiovascular diseases and cancers by fighting free radicals and inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme activity, which causes blood vessels to narrow. It also promotes urination, thereby removing wastes and toxins from the body.

Chrysanthemum increases blood flow to the heart. It is also reputed for aiding liver functions, lowering high blood pressure, improving eyesight, and detoxifying blood.

Mulberry helps improve blood flow, which eases the workload of theheart. It supports healthy liver function as it has detoxification properties.

As convenience,

To get the above plant foods more conveniently based on the right species, right harvesting time, right processing and safety guarantee, ENCORE  is an ideal healthy fast food as your option.

ENCORE is a wholesome food product made of 
  • Blueberries
  • Hawthorn
  • Winter Melon
  • Chrysanthemum 
  • Mulberry

Who have benefitted from ENCORE?

My father has been taking high blood pressure medication for more than 20 years. Due to long term intake of medication, I know his liver and kidney will be definitely burdened. 

Therefore, I got him ENCORE and REFRESH to consume. 

Initially he was not too enthusiastic in taking the health foods, but my mother was very diligently making the drinks for him every morning and night! 

After taking for quite some time, he observed that the rashes on his skin getting lesser. He used to have rashes around his hand or legs due to toxin from the medication. He knew that the ENCORE and REFRESH are helping him a lot! 

Now without fail, he is taking both the products daily! =)

Nutritional Immunology Consultant
+65-9090 9942

Friday, August 9, 2013

Why OXYGINBERRY for Young to Old, Men to Women?

WHY Oxyignberry Beverage?

First, Oxyginberry Beverage consist of 6 Superfoods (Ginseng berry, cactus fruit, cactus, grape seed, rose and seaweed) rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals.

1. Ginseng Berry 
  • Super-Antioxidant - prevent free-radical damage 
  • Increase skin hydration, prevent fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin softness and fineness
  • Improve blood circulation for better concentration and memory 
  • Helps body utilise oxygen more effectively
  • Improve quality of sleep 
  • Sooth emotion
  • Aid slimming process - increase metabolism 
  • Regulate glucose level - prevent diabetes

2. Cactus 

  • Rich in phytochemicals - more than 10,000 different types of phytochemicals 
  • Nourish immune system to prevent diseases 
  • Anti-infllammatory - Speed up wound healing, inhabit arthritic inflammation 
  • Anti-viral
  • Anti-cancer - prevent cancer-causing hormones from attaching to normal cells
  • Contain flavonoids - protect neurons against oxidative injury
  • Reduce oxidative damage and liver and kidney toxicity as a result of a toxin from foodstuffs
  • Enhance phagocytic activity - better cleansing in the body 
  • Rich in nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. 
  • Decrease cholesterol and triglycerides levels - prevent hardening of blood vessel and therefore prevent stroke
  • Regulate blood sugar level, stabilise diabetics' glucose level
  • Cell repair and cell renewal
  • Improve skin condition - speed up collagen formation 

3. Cactus Fruits

  • antioxidant – promoting cell repair and renewal

  • High in Vitamin A, B1, B12, D3 and riboflavin - promote skin repair and regeneration, soften the skin

  • 4. Grape Seeds

  • Super antioxidant (OPC) – 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C, 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E

  • A significant 62% reduction in oxidative damage, according to a study compared grape seed and vitamin C by having cell incubated in both medium. Vitamin C did not show any significant reduction. 

  • protect cells against oxidative damage by the free radicals, therefore improve inner health and slow down ageing 

  • Protect vision - slow down diabetic retinopathy by strengthening blood vessels and improving blood circulation in the eyes.

  • Protect against cataract formation

  • Helps speeding up wound healing with less scarring

  • Support collagen structure, decrease UV damage to skin, promote youthful and radiant skin

  • 5. Rose 

    • antioxidant – help prevent oxidative damage, promote wound healing, encourage phagocytic activity, boost immune system
    • Anti-bacterial, anti-microbial properties
    • Lighten skin pigmentation, gives a fairer and smoother skin
    • Relieve feminine health problems 
    6. Seaweed

    • Rich source of minerals, trace elements, amino acids, antioxidants, phytoestrogen, polysaccharides, and enzymes
    • Contains fucoidans, meroterpenoids - antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory 
    • eliminates toxin from our system, prevent blood clotting in the uterus
    • Anti-aging skin care
    • Anti-cancer
    • Help chronic joint-diseases 
    • Promote wound healing
    • Stimulate collagen formation and cellular turnoever 
    • Help skin repair, improve skin elasticity and firmness 

    Second, Oxyginberry is formulated based on the Science of Nutritional Immunology research. 

    Science of Nutritional Immunology studies the link between foods and immune system, and it's pioneered by Dr Jau-Fei Chen, who is the world-renowned Nutritional Immunologist from US. 

    When we select the superfoods in the Oxyginberry, a few criteria are being taken care of. 

    1. Species
    Ginseng berry we used are harvested from american ginseng and Ji Lin ginseng, and not korean ginseng.   

    Korean ginseng is not suitable for daily consumption due to its heaty nature.
    However American ginseng and Ji Lin ginseng are food grade which can be taken by all.  

    2. Part

    We use the grape seeds from the grapes as the seeds have the highest antioxidant level compared to the meat and the skin. 

    3. Harvesting time 

    Cactus and Cactus Fruits need to be harvested after 10 years growth to ensure high nutrition values. 

    4, Food Synergy

    Together these 6 super foods in Oxyginberry are combined to create a SYNERGISED food, which can be consumed daily by all, for a great health benefit. 

    Third, Food Safety of Oxyginberry Beverage

    • Organic (free of pesticides) and non-genetically modified plant ingredients.
    • Free of preservatives, synthetic minerals.
    • Tested and free of heavy metals such as mercury, copper, lead, arsenic, and cadmium.
    • Tested and free of at least 1822 toxins including narcotics, steroid drugs, banned drugs like Fenfluramine and human growth hormones.
    • Received "Food Safety Excellence Award" from Singapore AVA for consecutive 12 years since 2004.
    • The E.Excel food manufacturing plants are GMP-regulated. 
    The below are the certificates received from AVA:

    I was priviledged to take a photo with Ms Khoo, who is the GM of E.Excel Manufacturing Plant Singapore. 

    Forth, Oxyginberry Beverage is perfect for:

    1. Men - hero of the family to stay healthier, stronger and more energetic and alert to handle work and making quick decision during critical hour, prevent chronic diseases such as high cholesterol and diabetes

    2. Women - slimmer, prettier, and healthier, fair complexion, muscle more toned up, prevent internal organs from sagging especially womb

    3. Children - healthier immune system, better concentration,  better eye sight, grow up stronger, healthy and intelligent

    4. Elderly - more active and quality lifestyle, prevent degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, macular degeneration, stroke 

    5. Pregnant ladies/ mother-to-be - look radiant, keep mummy energy up throughout the day, ensure enough nutrients to the baby, strengthen womb and support the uterus, regaining pre-pregnancy figure easily

    Grab these 6 precious SUPERFOODS for your daily diet through Oxyginberry Beverage/ Capsules as they work in SYNERGY to rejuvenate your body!!

    Check out how Our Clients say about OXYGINBERRY as below: 

    1. knee pain:

    2. Immunity enhancement - free from seizures in small child

    3 Best gift for mother

    4. Bone Fracture Recovery

    5. Less frequency of falling sick
    Testimonial on OXYGINBERRY and ORCHESTRA 

    6. Nourishing during pregnancy
    Testimonial from a Pregnant Lady who benefitted from Oxyginberry and Millennium

    7. Their babies are E.Excel babies!
    E.Excel Babies!!

    Feedback from my friends after using the E.Excel products

    Let's start Oxgyinberry today! 
    Wealth without health is meaningless. 

    Best Regards, 

    Nutritional Immunology Consultant 
    +65-9090 9942
