When it comes to building stronger bones, do you know that Soy & Anthocyanins are both perfect combination ?
Lets take a look at the wonders of wholesome soy & Anthocyanins.
What are the benefits of Wholesome Soy
- Genistein, a Soy Isoflavone, Can Increase Bone Mineral Density
- Soy Can Make the Spine Stronger
- Genistein Supports Bone Remodeling
- Dietary Soy promotes bone formation, help reduce bone breakdown and prevent fractures
- High Soy Intake is Linked to Increased Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women
What are the benefits of Anthocyanins?
Anthocyanins Promote Bone Formation
Anthocyanins found in colorful fruits like berries , black goji berries and cherries can support bone health in 2 ways: Promote bone formation & preventing bone loss.
They can activate certain pathways and help mesenchymal stem cells develop into osteoblasts -cells that build new cells. This helps make bones stronger and more resistant to fractures.
Athocyanins also inhibit osteoclasts - cells that break down bone.
As a convenience, NI Foods SoyPro & GojiGarden provide the a great combination of wholesome soy & Black Goji Berries that are rich in Anthocyanins, to help with your stronger bones.
Why choose Soypro?
Why choose GojiGarden?
For more info, you can whatsapp me at +65- 9090 9942 . Thank you.
Excellence Lifestyle Coach
+65- 9090 9942
IG: joselynemeihwa