Showing posts with label eleadglobal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eleadglobal. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2025

Eat more Fiber !!!

Cancer Prevention Tips: 

1. Eat less red meat.

Red meat is linked to higher risks of colon, rectum, prostate, and pancreatic cancers. Processed meats, including preserved chicken and fish, are associated with colorectal and stomach cancers. 

The Third Expert Report from World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research states

"There is strong evidence that consumption of red meat and consumption of processed meat are both causes of colorectal cancer."

Red meat contains Neu5Gc, a molecule not produced by humans, yet found in high amounts in malignant tissues. Neu5Gc induces inflammation, which, over time, may promote cancer development where Neu5Gc accumulates in the body.

2. Include more fiber in your diet.

The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends eating at least 30 grams of dietary fiber daily to lower cancer risk. 

One medium apple with skin contains about 3.7 grams of fiber. 

That means to get all 30 grams of fiber, you would need to eat about eight apples with skin a day. 

A high-fiber diet may protect against breast, ovarian, endometrial, and gastrointestinal cancers. 

Increasing fiber intake, even by 10 grams, can reduce colorectal cancer risk by 7%.


Main ingredients: Pure Psyllium Husk with orange 🍊 flavour 

Psyllium husk has the highest fiber content in the plant food kingdom. 

Protect your gut health with psyllium husk as gut health is associated to : 

- Obesity

- Auto-immune Disease

- Colorectal Cancer

- Heart Disease and Stroke

- Allergies 

Let's take care of your body and your body will take care of you back. 😊

If you are keen to find out more, welcome to Whatsapp me at +65 - 9090 9942 or IG: joselynemeihwa . 

Thank you .

Best Regards, 


Excellence Lifestyle Coach

+65- 9090 9942

IG: joselynemeihwa