Talking about dementia. I ever have a friend who shared with me his grandma's story. His grandma had dementia and basically did something funny at home such as making the whole house messy during the midnight. The next morning when their children woke up and saw the mess, they were frustrated but it can't be helped.
It was indeed disheartening to see our grandparents or own parents to act such...they should be enjoying their golden years and their retired life with their is such a pity they can't recall their own children's names...this made me recall of the Mother role in our local movie "Money Not Enough" who developed dementia.
Back to the article, a study has followed the lifestyle habits of more than 2000 men in South Wales over a 35-year period!! "These large studies are expensive and complicated to run, but are essential to understand how dementia can be prevented", said by Dr Doug Brown, Director of Research and Development at the Alzheimer's Society in London.
The study has found out that following 5 healthy lifestyle rules which are regular exercise, not smoking, weight control, healthy diet and low alcohol intake can cut the risk of developing dementia by two-thirds.
Following at least 4 of the 5 habits cut the risk of dementia and cognitive decline by 60%, and 70% fewer instances of diabetes, heart diseases and stroke, compared to people who followed none of them.
"Taking up and following a healthy lifestyle is however the responsibility of the individual himself or herself."
I fully agreed on what was said on this article. I do hope all of us can follow the healthy lifestyle. For those who are neither smoking nor drinking alcohol, do practice regular exercise and healthy diet. With these, weight control definitely can be achieved.
I would like to add another 2 more which are: Have enough sleep and rest & Maintain stable emotion. Be positive and optimistic, smile more.
Basically in conclusion, practice Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle!
I believe with this, everyone of us can live healthily. =)
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